P7 Digital Learning Week

Learning Intention:

To create, capture and manipulate text and images to communicate experiences, ideas and information in creative and engaging ways.

Success Criteria:

I can capture and collate images in a creative way.

As part of Digital Learning Week, P7 have been busy working on their yearbook. The children had to locate and select the images that they would like to appear in their yearbook to create paired pages about themselves. They have also been locating and selecting images to create some gallery pages of P7 learning events and experiences.

Primary 7 – Rookie Rockstars

Learning Intention:

To participate in whole school presentations and performances.

Success Criteria:

I can listen and respond appropriately to instructions and directions.

This week we have participated in ‘Rookie Rockstars’. We have learned songs about important topics such as bullying, being yourself, not discriminating, never giving up, forgiveness and respecting one another. Glynn and Chloe taught us the words and actions and included some fun challenges for staff and pupils. We recorded our songs and are looking forward to going to the concert next week.

“Very inspiring” – Ella

“The best week ever” – Hallie

“A fun way to learn about bullying” – Jessica

“Extremely fun” – Katie

“Important messages and teamwork” – Lewis

“Lots of fun and crazy dance moves” – Ewen

Primary 7 Winter Ready Activities

Good morning everyone!

As part of our continued learning, here is a list of some other activities you could complete at home:

  • Research some information on your group’s area of China.
  • Think about how you will design the pop-up page to demonstrate your understanding of the topic you researched.
  • Take part in the Sum Dog competition that has been put on today.
  • Use your line drawing skills to draw an image from a book or magazine, or go online and find a step-by-step drawing guide like the one we used for the Koi Carp.
  • Write a book review that you could include in your First Minister’s Reading Challenge record when you return to school.
  • Challenge someone to build a snow animal!

Or try out some of the activities on the attached sheet: P7-Winter-Ready

You could also work on information for your Didbook profile by creating a paragraph for each of the following headings:


What are your hobbies and interests?

What are your favourite sports?

What pets do you have? What are their qualities?


What books do you like to read and who is the author?

What are the books about and why do you like to read them?


What films do you like and what genre are they, for example, comedy, action or drama?

Are there any particular actors you prefer to watch and why?


Who is/are your hero/heroes?

What do they do for a living and what qualities do they have that you admire?


What are you interested in and why?


What type of music to you like to listen to and what do you like about it?


What do you think you might want to be in the future? What skills and qualities do you have that would be useful for this job/career?

Have fun and stay safe in the snow!

Mrs Mooney

Primary 7


This week we had a Halloween themed maths challenge and in science we designed electrical circuits with a Halloween theme. We also had fun at the Halloween disco.

If you are planning on going to a firework display, please remember the following:

  • Only adults should light or set up fireworks.
  • Stand well back when watching fireworks.
  • Never go near a firework that has been lit.

If you are given a sparkler…

  • Always wear gloves.
  • Hold it at arm’s length.
  • Don’t touch it when it goes out.
  • Put it end down in a bucket of water.

Have fun and stay safe!

Primary 7

This week with Ms Pender we were doing basketball and first of all everyone got a ball and you had to try and tackle another person without your ball going out of control. After that we did matches of three vs three line ball .                                                                                                                     This week in maths we did multiplying and dividing by 10,100 and 1000.  We also multiplied by multiples of 10 and by two digits.

This week we were working on our World War Two by  posters and we had to make two sides, one showing what life was like then in comparison to present life.

by Katie and Mya

Primary 7

This week we went to the Risk Factory, it was really fun. We learned about how to say safe.  We also learned about percentages.  We had to convert fractions to percentages and decimals. Also in PE we did Benchball and Basketball.  It was really fun. In reading we did compare and contrast and on the SRA box we answered questions about the text.  We also did a personal read with our reading books.

By Ella and Lewis.

Primary 7

This week we were playing Benchball boys against girls and we have to pass five times before we can shoot. The first score was 0-0 then the second game was 5-0 and the third game was 6-1. Then the last game was 0-0.  Also this week we were learning about factors, multiples and prime numbers. Prime numbers are when you can only divide it by itself or one. We also wrote an evacuee letter from World War two to our parents to let them know how we were feeling and how we got there because we were evacuated from our homes. With Miss Cave we were learning about internet safety. We wrote a letter to Ahmet to tell him about the dangers he was putting himself and others in.

By Hallie and Logan

Primary 7

This week it was maths week. It was really fun because we entered the Scottish Sumdog maths competition. We also did a toothpick challenge where we had to build a 2 x 2 and a 4 x 4 square and we weren’t allowed to count them one by one so we had to use a strategy to figure out how many toothpicks we used. Then we did a 13 x 13 square for a challenge as well. We also did a Pascal’s Triangle challenge where we had to figure out a number pattern that’s continued to complete the triangle then we had to use the pattern to create our own triangle.

We used our reflection page to identify that we needed to use more complex connectives to write our own story. We wrote more sentences using complex connectives to help us to use them in our own writing.

By Jessica and Lauren

Primary 7

This week we  did maths.In maths we where converting  units of measurements. This will help us in our own time.The class found links from out side school and that shows our understanding of measurements.

This week for PE we played  badminton. In badminton we were learning how to serve and have a rally.At the end we played around the world.It was boys vs girls and the girls won 8 to 5.

On Wednesday  we went to watch the  Aladdin Panto at  Broxburn Academy.

We began making Reindeer Dust for the Xmas Fayre and we also started our Christmas art to decorate the hall.

In Literacy we explored setting and the meaning of words through a Michael Morpurgo book called Coming Home.

by Shannon and Olivia

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