P2/1 Weekly Blog

Primary 1’s were given their Bookbug bags today and P2 received their Read,Write,Count bags as part of Book Week Scotland.

The P1 books are Arb The Lion and Inch and Grub. The P2  children have The Bug Collector and The Biggest Story.

All the boys and girls had great fun exploring their book bags together and trying out some of the fun activities in the bags.



P2/1 were  Successful Learners this week. As part of our Fairyland topic, Taffy the dragon set us a challenge to design a shoe for Cinderella’s wedding. Our shoe design had to include the following:

  • a heel
  • buttons or straps
  • no bright colours
  • a silver or gold badge.

We successfully completed our designs and sent them to Taffy to show Cinderella.




As tonight is Bonfire Night, Primary 2/1 have been Responsible Citizens learning how to stay safe around fireworks. Here are some important things we learned:

-Never throw fireworks

– Keep pets indoors

-Always wear gloves with sparklers

-Stand well back from fireworks and bonfires

-Never go back to a lit firework

We created our own firework pictures using different materials.



We have been learning about The Senses. We researched the 5 different senses, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. In groups, we talked about, then drew and labelled our favourite thing to smell, taste, touch, hear and see. We discussed how our senses can keep us safe and help us make sense of the world around us.

We wanted to find out how easy it would be to complete tasks if we weren’t able to use all our senses.

We had some class volunteers take part in a blindfold challenge where they had to move around the room only listening to the instructions from the teacher. It helped us to understand how people who do not have sight have to rely on their sense of hearing and touch to help them move around their environment safely.

Our blindfolded volunteers enjoyed the taste test, where sweet and savoury items were given to taste and they had to identify the item. Some items were tricky but everyone managed to identify the chocolate!

A.K.4 | Robot and Human Senses | Modular Robotics

P2/1 week beginning 18.2.21

Good morning boys and girls,

Attached is the timetable for this week. A sumdog challenge is also set for the class.

Please remember there is no pressure to complete all tasks.  Just do what you can.

Thursday– 1 Literacy task,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Friday– Free writing,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, Together time activity.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support.

Take care.

Mrs Strachan xx


P2/1 week beginning 8.2.21

Good morning boys and girls,

Attached is the timetable for this week.

Please remember there is no pressure to complete all tasks.  Just do what you can.

A weekly sumdog challenge has  been set for the class. You should have your password for this at home. There are also daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks at 9 am on You Tube.

Monday – 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 IDL task.

Tuesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Wednesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Thursday– 1 Literacy task,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, 1 IDL task.

Friday– Free writing,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, Together time activity.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support.

Take care.

Mrs Strachan xx

P2/1 week beginning 1.2.21

Good morning boys and girls,

Attached is the timetable for this week.

Please remember there is no pressure to complete all tasks.  Just do what you can.

A weekly sumdog challenge has  been set for the class. You should have your password for this at home. There are also daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks at 9 am on You Tube.

Monday – 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 IDL task.

Tuesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Wednesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 IDLtask.

Thursday– 1 Literacy task,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Friday– Free writing,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, Together time activity.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support.

Take care.

Mrs Strachan xx

P2/1 week beginning 25.1.21

Good morning boys and girls,

Attached is the timetable for this week.

Please remember there is no pressure to complete all tasks.  Just do what you can.  A weekly sumdog challenge has  been set for the class.

Monday – 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 IDL task.

Tuesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Wednesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 IDLtask.

Thursday– 1 Literacy task,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Friday– Free writing,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, Together time activity.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support.

Take care.

Mrs Strachan xx

P2/1 week beginning 18.1.21

Good morning boys and girls,

Attached is the timetable for this week.

Please remember there is no pressure to complete all tasks.  Just do what you can.

A weekly sumdog challenge has  been set for the class. You should have your password for this at home. There are also daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks at 9 am on You Tube.

Monday – 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 IDL task.

Tuesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 IDL task.

Wednesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Thursday– 1 Literacy task,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Friday– Free writing,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, Together time activity.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support.

Take care.

Mrs Strachan xx

P2/1 week beginning 11th January 2021

Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you all managed to have a lovely holiday with your family. Attached is the timetable for this week.

Please remember there is no pressure to complete all tasks. Just do what you can.

A weekly sumdog challenge has  been set for the class. You should have your password for this at home. There are also daily PE sessions with Joe Wicks at 9 am on You Tube.

Monday – 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 IDL task.

Tuesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 IDL task.

Wednesday– 1 Literacy task, 1 Maths/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Thursday– 1 Literacy task,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, 1 HWB task.

Friday– Free writing,  1 numeracy/numbertalks task, Together time activity.

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your support.

Take care.

Mrs Strachan xx


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