Primary 2S have been busy today selling tickets for our Circus show next Friday. The Primary 1 children now all have their tickets for the performance and we are all very excited!
Primary 2 S
Primary 2S have been busy this week writing penpal letters for Magale School in Uganda. On the 6th of October Mr and Mrs Comrie, who are involved with the charity “The Friends of Magale” are travelling to Uganda to visit the school and orphanage. They hope to bring back letters for us in Primary 2 and we are very excited!
Primary 2S – Money Week
For Maths week Scotland, Primary 2S have been learning about money. We have been identifying and describing different coins and adding a variety of coins together.
Our knowledge of money is useful for our current topic, The Circus, as we are inviting the Primary 1 children to our Circus to see us perform. We have been making tickets and deciding how much we should charge for the show!
Hello from Primary 2S!
The boys and girls have all settled in well to their new stage and have been busy learning the routines in Primary 2 over the last two weeks. In class, we have been talking about some of our rights and sharing ideas about what we think should be included in our class charter so that we have a happy and successful year in Primary 2. We called our charter our “Pinky Promise” and put our name around the charter in our own star. This is to show that we worked as a team to agree what should be included.
Primary 1 Assembly
If your child would like to wear bright colours on Friday for our Life Cycle assembly, they can come to school wearing these.
Thank you for your continued support. We look forward to seeing you on Friday!
Primary 1 – DYW Week
Primary 1 had visitors in class last week for developing the young workforce week. Here is some of what we enjoyed.
I liked trying on the fireman’s uniform.
I got to put the postman’s hat on.
I enjoyed when the midwife showed us the pictures of babies nappies and their poo!
We talked about what we want to be when we grow up. Here are some of our ideas:
Ruaraidh: Fireman
Ben: Tram driver
Christopher P: Bagpipe player
Karlie: Teacher
Tom: Babysitter
Jake: Train driver
Logan: Archaeologist
Harrison: Rugby player
Danielle: Explorer
Sophie: Midwife
Maisie: Vet
Jacob: Policeman
Iona: Shop keeper
Primary 1 Winter Ready
Primary 1
Primary 1
Both primary 1 classes have had a fun and busy week. In numeracy, we have been practising our counting and number formation. In phonics, we are already learning some letter sounds and are beginning to blend these together to make words.
On Thursday, we received a letter from The Friendly Dragon in Fairyland asking for our help. He is very sad because he has lost his castle. He has left a special “dragon-mail” letterbox outside our classroom and we have written back to let him know that we will help him build a new castle. We are very excited!
Hello from Primary 1s
In the last week, we have been busy settling into our Primary 1 class and getting to know our new teacher, Mrs Strachan. We are already becoming independent at changing our shoes in the morning and remembering to put our snacks in our tray.
Today was great fun! We had lunch in the dinner hall with our parents. Tomorrow is our first full day in Primary 1 so we might be very tired after school tomorrow!