Primary 2

This week in Primary 2 we have been continuing our topic on living things. We conducted some of our own research on the 6 different animal classification groups and had fun exploring their different characteristics.

We have also been practicing our number doubles with help from Jack Hartman  and his doubles song. Here is a picture of us in action.

Primary 2

This week in Primary 2 we have continued learning about living and non-living things. We thought about how living things were similar and different and learned about the different animal categories before completing a sorting animals task . We then created an animal classification key to show the differences between the different groups.


We have also been working really hard on our common words with lots of us moving up a block making Miss McGregor very proud! Super Work Primary 2 🙂

Primary 2

Last week in primary 2 we started our new topic on living and non-living things. We spoke about how they are different and what living things can/ need to do. We sorted living and non-living things into categories and then designed posters to show what living things are. We have started to put together our new display wall to showcase our learning.

Primary 2

This week Primary 2 had great fun celebrating World Book Day. They got the opportunity to sit and read in the library as well as taking  part in a scavenger hunt.  They also had great fun showing off their costumes and they even designed their own book covers! They even managed to fit in a game of corners in the hall!!  Here are some pictures of what they got up to….


Primary 2

This week in Primary 2 we have been learning the ‘ng’ sound. We danced and sang along to a video about the ‘ng’ sound before having a go at using it to build words.


We have also been working really hard on practising our common words by using finger paint, cubes and rainbows. We challenged ourselves to write the words we had been practising on our whiteboard and got the rest of the class to double check it


Finally, on Friday we had a go at sharing our learning about space through drama. We became space explorers travelling through the galaxy pointing out and giving facts about things we could see along the way.

Well done Primary 2 for another fantastic week of work!

Primary 2

This week in Primary 2 we have been successful learners  practising our addition and subtraction within 20. We learned about fact families and how to use these to help us find missing numbers in a sum. Here are some pictures of our maths stations.

Primary 2

This week in Primary 2 we have continued to work through our science topic sun, moon and stars. We explored star constellations and looked at the constellations linked to our star signs. We used our data gethering skills to find out everyones star signs. We had to be confident on our before and after number sequences to 30 to work out everyones signs depending on what date their birthday is, before creating a pictogram to display our results.

We continued to focus on our birthdays in french when practising our months of the year. We learned how to ask someone when their birthday is and how to reply saying my birthday is, before using our data gathering skills to put this into a table. Our birthday pictograms from last week helped us to check our answers!  Here are some pictures of our work:

Primary 2

This week Primary 2 had great fun taking part in the winter sports day. Here are some pictures of us in action


In maths we started to look at data handling and had a go at collecting our own data. We recapped how to use tally marks and then created a few pictograms to display our data. Super Work Primary 2!!!

Primary 2

This week in Primary 2 we have been successful learners through continuing our mini Scots topic by looking at two different Scottish artists. On Monday we looked at the work of Steven Brown and shared our opinions on his famous ‘Mcoo’ artwork. We then created our own Mcoo’s using crayons to layer our colours. On Wednesday we looked at the work of John Lowrie Morrison and compared his work with other artists of the expressionism era. We shared what we liked and disliked about the different pieces of art and commented on their use of colour and shape, then discussed that most expressionist art is distorted in some way to convey emotion.  We then created our own pieces of landscape art in an expressionist style through using bold and bright colours. Below are some examples of our work:

Primary 2

Last week we started our mini topic on Scotland. We worked hard with Mrs Mcconville to create tartan, focusing on the different colours and patterns which links with our maths learning of shape and pattern. We also started to learn our Scots poems which are : Slaister, Lollipop Man and Bus Queue and we have began to practice these at home. We are looking forward to starting some more Scottish artwork this week.

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