P6 Answer… Into P1 Transition Questions

Good morning to our Nursery buddies and grown-ups!

There has been much excitement in the P6 Team this morning as they have finally found out who their nursery buddy will be! They are really looking forward to meeting them properly.

For a Health & Wellbeing task this week, P6 were asked to post responses to common questions that nursery children (or grown-ups) might have about starting school. They have worked so hard on this!

I have collated their responses into a video (link posted below). We hope you find it useful.

Miss McLaughlin & the P6 Team 🙂

P4-7 Home Learning – WB 6.5.20

Good morning everyone!

We hope you had a lovely long weekend. Here is your weekly timetable for home learning tasks.

There are also whole-school tasks previously posted by Miss Burton and P4-6 will have tasks from Mrs Ness. Please remember that there is no pressure to complete everything. 

Wednesday Reading task
Numeracy/Maths task
PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube),
Duolingo app for French
Weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading
Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school
Thursday Numeracy/Maths task
Health or Topic task
PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube)
Duolingo app for French
Weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading
Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school
Friday Free Writing task
PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube)
Duolingo app for French
Weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading
Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

Enjoy your week! We are here if you need anything.

Team P4-7

World Autism Awareness Day 2020

Happy World Autism Awareness Day!

This week is World Autism Awareness Week! Below is a link to a video entitled ‘What is Autism?’, which you can also find on the Scottish Autism website.

The symbol which is now more commonly associated with autism is a rainbow-coloured infinity symbol. This is to show that the autism spectrum is not linear, and that while some individuals have difficulties in some areas, they are (sometimes exceptionally) talented in others.

We usually celebrate this as a school, but due to the current circumstances, it is a little more difficult. To mark it, I’ve made my own version of the symbol for the autism spectrum, which is now stuck on my living-room window!

If you happen to be celebrating World Autism Awareness Day in any way (e.g. dressing in rainbow colours, posting signs in windows, sharing links/videos), please let us know! You can share with us on Twitter, as part of your child’s learning wall or using Microsoft Teams.

https://www.scottishautism.org/ (Scottish Autism)

https://www.autism.org.uk/ (National Autistic Society)


‘Autism is my superpower.’ (a fantastic quote I saw on someone’s t-shirt a few years ago).

Many thanks!



Primary 4-7 Glow Learning

Good morning from Mrs Mooney, Mrs Campbell, Miss McLaughlin and Mrs Andison!

This post is to explain to parents of P4-7 children how learning will be posted.

Each week, staff will post two Sumdog challenges – one for Reading skills and another for selected Numeracy skills. They will be available for children to complete until 12.30pm on the Friday.

Children who use IDL are encouraged to access their account and complete lessons.

We would also encourage children to practise their French daily using the Duolingo app (free to download from the App Store).

Activities across the week will be posted as follows:

Monday – Spelling words & 3 activities from homework grid (this will be posted if children have lost it); PE sessions with Joe Wickes (9.00am every weekday – access via YouTube)

Tuesday – IDL/Topic-themed learning activity; PE session with Joe Wickes

Wednesday – Reading activity; PE session with Joe Wickes

Thursday – Numeracy/Maths activity; PE session with Joe Wickes

Friday – Free Writing activity; PE session with Joe Wickes

Children are free to post learning on their Microsoft Teams account or record it in their homework jotter.

Take care and stay safe.

Primary 4-7 Staff 🙂

Primary 6 – ‘Positive Pumphy’

What were we learning?

  • To explore the impact on our local area of smoking.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We would gather evidence of smoking in the local area and begin to consider its impact.

What did we do?

We took a walk around our school area (the school itself, the pump track and playpark) and gathered evidence of smoking – this could be cigarettes, lighters, packets or melted items. We found a lot more than we thought we would!

Our next step is to visit each class to show them a short clip about what we plan to do next. Each child in the school will be given a questionnaire to take home and we would really appreciate it if adults at home could fill it in. Everyone will receive a Dojo point for taking it home, and an extra one for bringing it back!

Have a look at the video below:

Until next time…

Primary 6 & Miss M

Primary 6 – Safer Internet Week

What were we learning?
* To explore the term ‘online identity’ and what it means for us.

How would we know if we were successful?
* We would be able to discuss our own online identities and consider how we are presenting ourselves online.
* Discuss the term ‘online freedom’ and say how we use this.

What did we do?
* We created an online identity wheel to think about how we present ourselves online (in terms of usernames, profile pictures, avatars).
* We explored scenarios where ‘online freedom’ had been appropriately/inappropriately used.
* We considered how we express ourselves online and if there is anything we can do to be ‘free online’, but still keep ourselves safe.

Check in with us next time to see what else we have been learning!

Until then…
Primary 6 & Miss M 🙂


Primary 6 Skiing

This week, twelve lucky Primary 6 children attended ski sessions at the Midlothian Snowsports Centre.

Mrs Ross was very impressed with how hard they worked – many thanks to her for supporting and encouraging the children! Thank you also to Alan, who instructed the children over the three-day sessions.

Below is a little video of how the group got on:

Miss M 🙂

Primary 6 – Book Week Scotland

Primary 6 have been following Lemony Snicket’s ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ for their Literacy study this term.

What were we learning?

To create a new costume design for Count Olaf from ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We would be able to create a sketch of our costume design.
  • We would be able to think about what props/accessories/facial prosthesis we might need.
  • We would be able to create a mask to show what his face might look like.

What did we do?

  • We watched a clip containing all of Count Olaf’s disguises across the series.
  • We drew our own costume sketch using a croquis template.
  • We considered what props/accessories we might need.
  • We used papier maché to create our masks and add any facial extras (e.g. eyebrows, moustaches, warts).

We are now ready to paint our masks. Then, we will start to consider how this disguise might fit into a new ‘unfortunate event’. Next week, we will record our ideas using a storyboard!

Until next time…
Primary 6 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 6

A little video of the P6 trip to the Water of Leith Visitor Centre last month. Click on the link below to access. Apologies for the delay!

Miss M 🙂

Primary 6

What were we learning?

To create a set of measurements to help us make Jacobite hats.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We would be able to measure our head circumference in centimetres.
  • We would be able to calculate the diameter and radius using the circumference to help us.
  • We would be able to use the radius measurement to create a perfect circle.

What did we do?

  • We worked in pairs to measure each other’s head circumferences.
  • We used the measurement of Pi (3.14) to calculate the diameter of the circle.
  • We then halved the diameter to calculate the radius of the circle.
  • We used this measurement to create a circle using the compasses.

We have used our measurements to create a pattern for our fabric. Our pieces have now been cut out and the next step is to begin sewing them together. Check in with us to see how we are doing!

Until next time…
Primary 6 & Miss M 🙂

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