Primary 4

Primary 4 have been gearing up for their upcoming Benchball tournament on Monday 30th!

We have been exploring different ways of passing, how to make good use of space and how to work well as a team. We have been practising in mini-games in class groups, but are looking forward to playing against our cluster friends next week!

A big thank you to Ms Pender who has been teaching us Benchball in our gym sessions, and to Miss Heatherill for organising the trip, and trusting that Miss McLaughlin is teaching it properly!

A reminder to parents/carers that Benchball letters and EE2 forms are due in by  Thursday 26th March. The cost is £3.50. Please see the office or Miss McLaughlin if you are missing the permission form!

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4


We had a FABULOUS  Red Nose Day on Friday! We had a new well-behaved pupil added to our class and FOUR new teachers!

We had games and Maths with Mr Evans before break and then Drama with Mr Mairs after. You can tell from the photo that he really got into character! We then had Red Nose drawing fun with Miss McPhail and more Drama with Miss Toall.

Miss McLaughlin really enjoyed her day off! Now she has a bank of teachers who can take over from her when she needs them 😉

Primary 4


Last week, Primary 4 continued their farming learning and produced posters which told us about foods that are imported into Scotland (flown in).

We looked at coconuts, bananas, coffee, cocoa beans and citrus fruits. These products cannot be grown here in Scotland because our climate is just not right. That’s why we import them in. We are going to have a discussion about the effect that food miles like these have on the environment.

If you’d like to find out how far your food has travelled, the website below calculates food miles for you:

Our homework this week is to look at packets/food labels around the house and see where different products come from. Please, if possible, bring in the packaging so we can add it to our display. They can be products grown at home, or imported in.

Until next time…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4

SAM_1010 SAM_1011 SAM_1012

This week, Primary 4 were looking at farming in Scotland. We looked at a seasonal calendar and used our reading skills to find out what could be grown across different seasons. We then made these into calendars.

We have also started to look at what cannot be grown in Scotland and needs to be imported in, such as citrus fruits, bananas and coffee. We are currently using our ICT skills to make information posters about these products. Pop in to see how we’re doing!

Until next time…

Primary 4 and Miss M 🙂



Primary 4


This week, Primary 4 continued their Science learning by looking at seasons! We wondered why the seasons changed throughout the year and discovered that the tilt of the earth makes a big difference!

When the Earth is tilted towards the Sun, we get longer days and warmer weather (Summer) and when it is tilted away from the Sun, we get shorter days and cooler weather (Winter).

We made fantastic pictures to show how the tilt of the Earth changes the seasons.

Next time, we will be looking at the phases of the Moon!

Until then…

Primary 4 and Miss M 🙂

Primary 4

For our current block of Science, we have been looking at Space – particularly the Sun, Moon and Earth.

So far, we have learned how the Earth spins on its own and also orbits the Sun. We are able to explain how this affects daytime and night-time, and will learn about seasons this week!

We found a fantastic website which told us lots of interesting facts about ‘The Earth and Beyond’. There was a very clever way to remember the names of planets in the Solar System and how far away they are from the Sun. See if you can work out the order from the mnemonic below…

My Very Easy Method Just Speeds Up Naming Planets

(The first one is Mercury)

Here is the website below if you’d like to learn more (The Children’s University of Manchester).

Until next time (and may the force be with you)

Miss M and P4 🙂

Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 finished their mini-topic on climate zones. We made models of each zone in groups, as well as the plants/animals that lived there. We also made travel videos, explaining what the temperature, rainfall and land were like. Hopefully Miss McLaughlin will work out how to upload them!

For now, here are photos of each of the climate zones we studied.


Stay tuned for our travel videos,

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂



Primary 4

Primary Four finished up their Scots’ writing focus this week by writing more difficult descriptions about a partner. Not only did we have to describe how they look, but we had to give clues about their personality too!

See if you can guess who is being described this time..

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Until next time..

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 have been building on the Scots’ vocabulary they learned last week.

We used Scots’ body parts, items of clothing and some adjectives to write a simple description of ourselves.

Can you guess who is being described below?

‘A hae broon een an blonde herr. Am wearin’ a yella an blue goon. A hae lang black bitts. Am a totie wee teacher.’

Five house points to whoever guesses first!

Until next time..

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4

Primary 4 have been learning some Scots’ words. This week, we learned how to name and describe some items of clothing. See if you can guess what some of our items are…

‘Bonnie blue an purpie bunnie baffies’ Mya

‘Muckle rid stampy bitts’ Andrew

‘Groovy green an yella breeks’ Daniel

‘Orange an purpie Scottish goon’ Ula

Pop in to see our Scots’ washing line 🙂

Until next time…
Primary 4

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