Primary 4

This week, we started our new topic – Farming.

We began by thinking about what we already knew and then came up with questions about things we’d like to find out. So far, we have explored the types of farming that occur in Scotland and where they happen, looked at seasonal calendars to find out how farming in Scotland changes throughout the year and have begun to look at where our food comes from.

For a homework task, Miss McLaughlin set us the challenge of looking for food labels to show us where our food came from. We found some products could be grown/farmed here and many had to be imported in from other countries. We think that this might be because our climate makes it hard to grow things like bananas, coffee and pineapples.

We also used atlases to look for the countries found on our food labels. It’s amazing how far food can travel! We are going to start thinking about the good and bad things about importing food into the country.

Below are super examples of homework and class work from Kristina and Lauren.

Kristina’s Food Label Research
Lauren’s Super Mapping Skills

Until next time…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 presented their Climate Zones knowledge to parents, family and friends. Thanks to all that came – we hope you enjoyed it!

We have been exploring time in Maths – minutes past/to the hour (in 5 minute gaps). We found this very tricky so we came up with some tips to help others remember how to find the time:

  • Start with the hour hand (little hand) first – which o’ clock is it closer to? (e.g. 2)
  • Then look at the minutes hand (large hand) – which number is it pointing to? (e.g 4)
  • Next, multiply that number by 5, as we are working in gaps of five minutes (2.20)
  • Finally, work out how many minutes until the next o’ clock (e.g. 2.20 = 40 minutes until 3)

Miss McLaughlin would love it if we could practise this at home.

Many thanks,

Primay 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4 Assembly

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend. The Primary 4 assembly is on Thursday 25th February at 1.15pm. Slips were sent home to tell you about it, but in case it has been lost or your child has been absent, here is a little reminder.

Many thanks, and we look forward to seeing you there.

Miss McLaughlin 🙂

Primary 4 Prepare for the Desert!

This week, Primary 4 were preparing to take a trip!

We have been exploring our Climate Zones topic through storyline. We created families  in table groups and prepared their passports for travelling. They visited a Polar climate in Barrow, Alaska, where there were freezing temperatures and lots of snow/ice. We made picture postcards to show our families dressed in warm clothes, riding the Tundra buggy and spotting polar animals!

Then, our families took a long flight to the Sahara Desert. It was extremely hot and dry, so our families had to keep covered to stop them from getting sunstroke. Few people can survive in the desert, so there were no hotels or holiday homes for our families to stay in. So, using the little batch of materials we had, we designed places for them to stay. Have a look at our designs below – what do you reckon?

The Evans Family (Cerys, Kamila, Lauren, Lucas, James, Ella)
The North Family (Erin T, Kristina, Rebecca, Callum)
The Brownlow Family (Andrew, Erin S, Katie, Charlie, Calum)
The James Family (Ceira, Jonathan, Josh, Oliwia)

Our next trip will take our families to the rainforests of Brazil – check in with us to see how they are doing!

Until next time…

Primary 4, Families & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4 Turn Poets!

This week, Primary 4 finished their Scots’ topic by exploring poetry. We had loved learning ‘The Pizzenous Pet Shop’ by Gregor Steele, so we decided to create our own verses to add to the poem. This brought in our learning about Scots’ animal names and describing words.

Here are some of our fantastic verses below…

“The honkin’ hamster scarters again,
This time it’s stuffed its cheeks,
Wi’ mouldy veg an when it’s oot,
It splatters aw owre yer breeks.”   Kristina, Boe & Josh

“The gallus grumphie is manky,
It snorts baith day an nicht,
It sooks its slops fae its trough,
An rips yer socks an tichts.” Charlie & Lauren

“The sonsie selkie dives through the water,
Upstairs, doonstairs, aroond the sea,
Lassies crood aroon in their bonnie breeks,
An invite him owre for tea.” Lachlan, Kamila & Cerys

Miss McLaughlin was very impressed with our hard work. Maybe Gregor Steele might peek at our blog and update the poem with our verses!

Congratulations to Boe & Oliwia, whose work will be added to our Scots’ display. Congratulations also to Lauren, who is our Star Writer for this month.

Until next time…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4

Primary 4 have been working very hard when learning their Scots’ poems!

We had been working on tools for listening and talking, such as volume, clarity, pace, and expression. Everyone tried really hard to use these when performing their poems.

Miss McLaughlin and Mrs Bonner were so impressed with everyone’s performances. It was SO hard to whittle the numbers down to the final three! Miss Baillie and her team of judges took Cerys, Lauren and Boe to ‘audition’ for the final.

The lucky lady to be chosen was… CERYS! The team were so impressed with how clearly she spoke and the rhythm she used. We are very proud that she will be representing our class on Thursday. Keep practising and, as the school rules state, ‘be the best that you can be’!

We are looking forward to seeing senior members of our families and local community at the service on Thursday!

Until next time…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Great Scot, Primary 4!

Primary 4 have been focusing on Famous Scots!

We have been exploring John Logie Baird, the man who made his own television and produced the first television pictures! We wrote short biographies about his life, explored his many businesses and inventions and made posters to inform the public about the invention of his television.

We also made our own model televisions (from across the eras) for homework. Miss McLaughlin was so impressed with our hard work and sends her thanks to the parents at home for their help. She could not pick her favourite, so she asked Mr Eagleson to judge them…

3rd place – Oliwia

2nd place – Charlie

1st place – Erin T

Well done everyone 🙂 Check out our upcoming display to showcase our learning about John Logie Baird.

Fantastic TVs! Thank you Kristina for showing off Lauren’s design 🙂
1st, 2nd & 3rd


Until next time…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂



P4 Amphitheatre Update

Our hard work is really starting to take shape now… The stage is almost completed and we have one full wall up 🙂

Have a look at our photos below…





After Tuesday (we will be out on Tuesday afternoon as well as the usual Monday), we will be taking a break from our outdoor project until the New Year. The poor grass needs some time to settle, as it appears to be the consistency of cold custard at the moment!

We have also made our distance slab, which Romans used as a record of which Legion created something and the year that they did it.


Unfortunately, Miss McLaughlin broke it when trying to pick it up! We’ll just class the cracks as wear and tear…

Until next time (and year!)

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 4 Anti-Bullying Learning

Last week was Anti-Bullying week. This means that we had to think extra carefully about what ‘bullying’ meant and helpful advice for those who may be experiencing this.

With Mrs Hull, we have been using the ‘Emotion Works’ resource. We thought about different emotion words, triggers, body sensations we felt, behaviours and how we could make ourselves feel better. We had some FANTASTIC words, such as ‘unstable’ (Boe) and ‘non-confident’ (Lauren).

On Thursday, with Miss McLaughlin, we decided to make an Anti-Bullying display to show our learning. We thought about how being bullied would make us feel. Below are the words we came up with. Can you spot yours?

image1 (2)

Until next time…

Primary 4, Miss M & Mrs Hull 🙂

P4 Amphitheatre Update

Our amphitheatre is really starting to take shape now. We have braved the wind, rain and cold and are almost finished the first wall! We have also began proper construction of our stage too (very wet, muddy and dirty – just how we like it :)!). Some of us were very lucky and learned how to cut trees using a handsaw (all fingers still there!).

Whilst digging, we found a LOT of worms. We felt bad about taking them out of their underground homes, so Sarah-Jane helped us to build a wormery. The mini wheelbarrow is also now known as the ‘Wormbulance’. Erin and Ceira are fantastic worm nurses!

Below are our most recent photos…

The first post goes up…
Building up the wall…
Saving the worms!
Super digging guys!
Setting the stage…
The Muscle Man himself!

Check in next time to see how we’re doing!

Until then…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

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