Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 have been learning more about Scots’ language.

Last year, we learned some Scots’ adjectives and used these to describe ourselves. This year, we extended our range of adjectives and learned words to describe a town/village.

We had been exploring poetry from the book ‘Blethertoun Braes’ and decided to create our own ‘toun’ and unusual characters. We wrote character descriptions, including where they worked and lived. Have a look at ‘Nebbytoun’ below!

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We have also been ‘keeping it Scots’ by learning about the legend that is Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Check in with us to see our beautiful art work!

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 were learning about Christmas customs from around the world.

We investigated customs from France, Italy, Sweden, Russia, Germany and Spain, then created posters to show what we had learned. Did you know that in Italy there is no Santa Claus, but a Kind Witch instead? And did you know that French children leave their shoes out on Christmas to be filled with presents?

Check out the posters we made below.


We would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year when they come.

Until the next time (in 2017!)…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 5 Turn Politician

This week, Primary 5 put on their political hats and got debating!

We had recently been assigned to political parties (SNP, Labour, Liberal Democrat, Conservative and Green), chosen our party roles (Education, Employment, Health, Trade and Housing) and written our party manifestos. Next, it was time to debate (in role) in our version of the debating chamber at Holyrood!

It was tough work, especially with Miss Polly McIver as the Presiding Officer, but each party debated so well!. They were able to answer key questions in role, give reasons to support answers and say if they agreed/disagreed with another party member. Miss McLaughlin hasn’t had so much fun in years!

Have a look at our fantastic political parties and manifestos below.

Green Party
Liberal Democrats
Labour Party

Next week, it’s campaign and election time! Check in with us to see how we get on.

Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M/Polly McIver 🙂

Primary 5

Today, Primary 5 went to the handball festival at Broxburn Academy. We had been learning game skills with Ms Pender in PE and this was our chance to apply them! We played against children from lots of different schools – Holy Family, St Nicholas, Broxburn, Uphall and Kirkhill.

Miss McLaughlin was so impressed at how well we played – we were fair, supportive and used lots of the handball skills we had learned. Thanks to the 6th year Sports Leaders at the Academy too.

Here are a few photos from today…




Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 took control of their learning!

Our new topic is based around Democracy, so as well as deciding what we wanted to learn, we planned how we wanted to learn too! Miss McLaughlin gave us the skills we would be focusing on, so we tried to come up with ways in which we could achieve them!

Here is what we came up with:

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Now, Miss McLaughlin will put the ideas together and build our Democracy topic! Check in to see how we get on.

Until next time…
Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 have been extending their knowledge of 3D shapes. In Primary 4, we learned that 2D shapes could make 3D nets and ‘skeletons’. So, we decided to use our knowledge of shape properties to create some more. Here are some of the shapes we created:

1 2 3 4 5

We did run into a problem – although we had the correct number of faces, edges and vertices, we couldn’t make our shapes join accurately. So, we thought about why this might be. We realised how important it is to measure shape edges and re-made our designs using accurate measurements. This meant our ‘skeletons’ would join together easily and we could add tabs to our nets to glue them.

Next week, we are going to be looking at angles. Check in with us to see what we have learned.

Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 5

Let’s have a look at what Primary 5 have enjoyed learning about this week…

Charlie: ‘I enjoyed learning how to round to the nearest 100.’

Cerys: ‘I enjoyed subtracting using hundreds numbers and stealing.’

Presley: ‘I enjoyed trying to solve the murder mystery of who murdered Mary, Queen of Scots’ husband.’

Lucas: ‘I enjoyed taking away using chimney sums.’

Lauren: ‘I enjoyed mixing colours to paint my portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots.’

Boe: ‘I enjoyed discussing the murder mystery with my group and using evidence to solve it.’

Lachlan: ‘I enjoyed getting 40/40 two weeks in a row for Big Maths.’

James: ‘I enjoyed building my model market stall.’

Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 finished their portraits of Mary, Queen of Scots.

We had been learning about the different ways that we could apply paint (dabbing, scratching, swirling brush strokes) and how to create highlights/shadows. We were trying to create the most detailed pictures we could. What do you think? Which Mary is most marvellous?


Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂


Primary 5

This week, Primary 5 have been exploring creation stories! We know that different people believe different things about how the world was created, so we discussed what we thought and looked at what some religions believed.

We read the Christian creation story and  made it into a comic strip. Here are some examples of our work below.

Erin T

We also learned that many religions believe that a God created the universe, but that Buddhists don’t believe that. They believe that the universe has always existed.  We watched a clip explaining how Hindus believe that universe was created and found that to be a very different story! We found that Hindus believe God has three jobs (Creator, Carer and Destroyer) and that they think the Earth came from the petals of a lotus flower, which came from their God’s bellybutton! It is really interesting to see what different people believe and Miss McLaughlin was very impressed at how respectful we were about each other’s opinions.

Until next time…

Primary 5 & Miss M 🙂

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