Primary 6 Endangered Planet

This week, Primary 6 turned into wildlife investigators!

In Science lessons, we have been discussing the words ‘extinct’ and ‘endangered’. Miss McLaughlin set us an investigation task to research ‘endangered’ animals. We could choose to show our information as a video clip or poster.

We structured our investigations around three themes:

  • information about the animal
  • what makes it endangered
  • what the WWF are doing to try to stop this.

Miss McLaughlin combined our presentations into a wildlife ‘documentary’. She has added 5 dojos to everybody’s score for their hard work.

Click on the link below to watch (apologies, as some sections are quite quiet).

Check in with us again soon to see what else we have been learning!

Until then…
Primary 6 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 6

This year, it was agreed each class charter would be made up of the same three words: Ready, Respectful and Safe. Primary 6 brainstormed in teams to think about what each might look like in school (and some outwith). We then illustrated some of our ideas for our class display.

We chose a Disney theme and made individual characters to ‘sign’ our charter with.

Check in with us soon to see what we have been learning!

Until then…
Primary 6 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 3

This week, Primary 3 began working on their transition challenge!

Our task was to plan, prepare and present information to the upcoming Primary 2 classes to let them know what life in Primary 3 would be like!

We have been getting to grips with PowerPoint in Technologies lessons, so decided to use this as our way of presenting. We discussed the information that would be useful for the P2 classes to know and then added this to our presentations. We are looking forward to sharing these with Primary 2!

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 3

Hello all!

Just to reassure you – the Primary 3 Listening & Talking homework is not due until next week (Thursday 30th and Friday 31st May). The children were reminded yesterday that they had a week left to complete it :)!

Apologies for any confusion!

Miss McLaughlin

Primary 3

What were we learning?

To learn how to use an algorithm.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We would be able to follow an algorithm set by Miss McLaughlin.
  • We would be able to ‘de-bug’ an algorithm that didn’t quite work.
  • We would be able to write algorithms of our own for a partner to try.

What did we do?

  • We followed Miss McLaughlin’s algorithm for drawing a monster but unfortunately, our monsters did not match hers!
  • We talked about why this might be – her algorithm wasn’t detailed enough! We fixed it together by adding key words like ‘short’ and ‘tiny’.
  • We then tried writing algorithms for our own monsters and gave them to different partners for them to try. We talked about what we might need to ‘de-bug’ for next time.

Primary 3 also have been issued Listening & Talking homework – a letter went home in your child’s bag on Friday. Information is also below – if there are any issues/questions, please let Miss McLaughlin know!

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 3 STEM Learning

What were we learning?

To use 3D drawings to show design ideas.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We would be able to follow sets of instructions to create a 3D drawing.
  • We would be able to use line and colour to show our designs.
  • We would be able to use other home designs as inspiration for our own.
  • We would be able to talk about our designs with other people.

What did we do?

  • We had been given the challenge of designing a brand-new ‘eco-home’.
  • We researched the different types of houses in our local area and thought about the good/not-so-good elements of each.
  • We then used 3D techniques to create drawings of our potential designs. Have a look at some of them below!

Our next step is to consider which materials we would use to build our homes. We will be looking at recyclable/non-recyclable building materials. After that, it’s time to make models!

Below is a photo of our first proper batch of recycled crayons! Thanks to all who have donated old, broken or unused crayons!

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 3

This week, Primary 3 launched their new topic!

We received an email from a building company who would like to create new, eco-friendly homes and they asked for our help with the designs! We had to think carefully about what being ‘eco-friendly’ meant, so we brainstormed ideas in pairs and then shared them. This is what we came up with:

Our next step will be to look at how houses in our area are built/designed!

Over the next few weeks, we would like to ask if anyone has any spare cereal boxes, cartons or general junk that would be useful for making models. We are also on the hunt for any unused, broken crayons as we will be learning how to recycle them and make new crayons with them!

Check in with us soon to see how our topic is going!

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 3

What were we learning?

To explore activities linked to Safer Internet Day.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We would be able to make safe choices when using the internet.
  • We would be able to offer advice to others about how to use the internet responsibly.

What did we do?

  • We completed the ‘Are you smart online?’ quiz to see how safe our choices were.
  • We watched episodes of the ‘SMART Crew’ to see what would happen if we made unsafe choices like accepting unknown requests or giving out personal details.
  • We also discussed the issue of ‘screen time’. We learned about how too much screen time can affect our bodies and the world around us.

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 3

This week, Primary 3 took their first steps with Free Writing!

Free Writing happens when children are given a theme/idea and can write in any way about it. This week, children were given the theme of ‘Scotland’ and began their free pieces. We had so much variety! Have a look below at some of our work!

Labelling a new uniform for a Scottish soldier
Using pictures and words to show parts of Scottish history
Creating new Scottish foods
Creating pictures of traditional Scottish clothes

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 3

This week, the Primary 3 enterprise teams were working on their business plans!

We had to make decisions about how our apps would work, which characters would be included, where it would take place and which colour schemes we would use. There was a lot of group discussion and compromise! We used voting to make sure that decisions were fair.

We also designed ‘screenshots’ of what our apps would look like and shared these with Miss Burton. On Friday, Lauren from DYW West Lothian and Michelle from Almond Engineering came to visit us and hear our business plans so far! Thank you for giving us some of your time!


Next week we will begin to put our pitches together and create persuasive adverts to encourage people to use/download our apps. Stay tuned!

Until next time…
Primary 3 & Miss M 🙂

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