P4 Blog: Week Beginning 28th February 2022

P4 Blog: Week Beginning 28th February 2022

We have been practicing our Procedure writing skills this week. Planning and drafting A recipe for Pancakes. We made sure to have all four parts of a procedure and to use key words and verbs.

We have almost finished our novel, Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator and we created out of this world art to retell our favourite scene from the story.

Remember tomorrow is World Book Day. We look forward to seeing your fantastic book character costumes.

Thank you Primary Four for making my last week at PUSCPS so much fun! Miss Hall 🙂

P4 Blog: Week Beginning 21st February 2022

We have continued to read our class novel, Charlie and The Great Glass Elevator. We designed aliens, using adjectives to describe their features.

In PE, we have been working on our co-operation and communication. We worked with our teammates to design a new game, giving constructive feedback to eachother.

Have a great weekend P4!

Miss Hall 🙂

P4 Week Beginning 14th February

Welcome back everybody after our long weekend. We have been sharing stories about our weekend and our holiday highlights.

We have started a new class novel, Charlie and The Great Glass Elevator. We are enjoying reading the story and completing linked activities.

We have also been learning to measure and weigh different objects. Ask us about length, weight, volume and capacity.

Have a great weekend Primary 4!

Miss Hall 🙂

P5: Week Beginning 7th February 2022

A great start to the week in Primary 5. We have been building on our writing skills, completing Information Reports about Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

We have also been sharing our Numeracy learning, creating a bank of multiplication strategies that we feel confident using.

Primary 2 – Friday 28th January

Primary 2 have had a super week! Well Done everybody for practicing your Scots poetry. You recited them with confidence .

We have been learning about Space. We designed and decorated a Solar System. We also designed rockets to take us to Space, thinking about what to pack, the features of a rocket and creating these using our knowledge of 3D shape.  Take a look at our Seesaw page for some photos of our creations.

Have a lovely weekend everybody!

P5 Blog Post – Week Beginning 17th January 2022

This week we have been learning about Burns’ Night celebrations. We created invites for a Burns supper and decorated with different tartans.

We have also been learning about Scottish Scientist Alexander Fleming. We will be creating information reports about his work to share our learning.

Another super week in Primary 5! Please remember your homework is to continue practising your Scots poems, ready for next week.

P5 Weekly Blog

This week we have started our Scotland topic. We have been learning Scots words through poetry. We used our knowledge of layout, alliteration, rhyme and Scots language to compose our own Scots poems.

We have also been learning about Robert Burns. We designed our own tartans to start our Burns celebrations. Head over to our Teams Channel for some additional photos of our wonderful work!

Our homework is to learn our Scots Poems for Burns Day. We have been learning ‘Listen Tae the Teacher’ by Nancy Nicholson and ‘Fed Up’ – by Janet Paisley. These have been sent home this week to practice.

18th/19th  February – P1 Home Learning

18th/19th  February – P1 Home Learning

Good morning Primary 1,

We hope you have enjoyed your February break. This week we only have two days of Home Learning. Please find your activity timetable listed below.

Remember there is no pressure to complete all of the tasks. Just do what you can. All lessons and activities can be found in your Seesaw account.


Literacy – Common Words

Numeracy – Tally Marks

HWB – People who help us


Literacy – Free Writing

Numeracy – Subtraction

Together Time – Create a Board game

Other Tasks

  • Continue to practise letter sounds and Common words
  • Complete some Sumdog challenges

Please note we will be in school some days so it may take us longer to respond to your work. We will still be checking in regularly so please let us know if you have any questions.

Ms Cave: Friday

Miss Hall: Thursday

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your continued support.

Ms Cave & Miss Hall

WB 8th February – P1 Home Learning

WB 8th February – P1 Home Learning

Good morning Primary 1,

Well done for all of your hard work last week. We have been very impressed by you all! Please find your timetable for this week listed below.

Remember there is no pressure to complete all of the tasks. Just do what you can. All lessons and activities can be found in your Seesaw account.


Literacy – Reading and Phonics

Numeracy – Number Talk, Halves

IDL – Weather


Literacy – Phonics

Numeracy – Number Starter, Quarters

PE – Joe Wicks

HWB – Internet Safety Day


Literacy – Writing (Social Studies)

Numeracy – Number talk, Numeracy Task

HWB – Express Yourself


Literacy – Reading and Phonics

Numeracy – Number talk, Numeracy Task

IDL – Social Studies, Art



Literacy – Free Writing

Numeracy – Number talk, Numeracy Task

Together Time – Self Portrait

Other Tasks

  • This weeks’ Whole School Challenge is a Secret Challenge. Click on the Seesaw activity link to find out more.
  • Continue to practise letter sounds and Common words
  • Complete some Sumdog challenges

Please note we will be in school some days so it may take us longer to respond to your work. We will still be checking in regularly so please let us know if you have any questions.

Ms Cave: Thursday

Miss Hall: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday

Thank you to all the parents and carers for your continued support.

Ms Cave & Miss Hall

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