P6 Peer Mediation Training

On Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th June Primary 6 took part in  Peer Mediation training.  Sarah and Amanda came from Scottish Mediation and led us in our learning of the mediation process.  The days began with some simple games which were enjoyed by all and then we began to break down and role play mediation situations.

We learned that we were the mediators and the people who came to mediation were disputants.  There were rules for the mediators and for the disputants to help the process run smoothly.  Primary 6 developed their questioning skills and their ability to help the disputants to come to a resolution, most of the time.  They also learnt that sometimes they may not be able to help the disputants to resolve the situation and that is OK too.  One important rule was that mediators are not allowed to offer a solution,  everyone agreed that this is very difficult sometimes.

Primary 6 enjoyed developing their mediation skills and were able to demonstrate this through their role play.

New teachers for Primary 4

Primary 4 are pleased to welcome their new teachers,  Miss Morrison and Mrs McConville. We are looking forward to having fun with them and learning new things.  We would like to do some more Drama, Science and PE.  We will do our best to use our growth mindsets to help us even if we find things difficult.

We hope you enjoy teaching us.

Yours sincerely

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P4 Christmas Song

As part of their final session with Miss Mulholland Primary 4 performed their Christmas song which demonstrated their learning of beat, rhythm and pitch and then they finished the session with some games which had everyone giggling and trying to keep up.  Thank you to Miss Mulholland, we have all learned so much and have a much better understanding of music now.


P4 Music with Miss Mulholland

Miss Mulholland has taught about beat, pitch and rhythm.  We played games to help us learn these musical terms and we have just finished writing our very own Christmas song.  We wrote the rhythm first using ta and te-te then we added pitches using so, la or mi.  Finally we wrote the lyrics.

Our Local Area

Pumpherston used to be a mining village and is on the edge of Livingston. We found this out when we were learning about our local area.  We wrote reports and organised our information using subheadings.

We looked at Google Maps to find the school, the shops, takeaways, parks and train stations, then we created our own maps. Most of the class found it quite tricky because some places didn’t show on the map, this was because our map was missing lots of information.img_0592


Now we are looking at co-ordinates and directional instructions.  We learnt that a quarter turn was 90 degrees and a full turn was 360 degrees.  We played the game Turtle Pond and Battleships to help us.



Primary 4’s week

We have been practising our assembly this week. Our assembly is about Growth Mindset. There are two kinds of mindsets – a fixed mindset and a growth mindset.  We want to develop our growth mindset in Primary 4. We found qualities that would help us to have a growth mindset and we would like to share all our learning with the school.  Some of us have been learning poems to share, we have made posters, we have some actors learning parts for drama sketches, we have people who have to learn words to narrate our assembly and we have some songs.

We hope you can come on Tuesday 29th November to the Gym Hall to see our assembly.growth-v-fixed

Magnetic Metals in P4

We have been learning about magnets.  The magnets have a North and South Pole and if you put North and North together they repel each other which means they push away from each other.  If you put opposite poles together they attract each other which means they stick together.

We also did experiments and found out that even if there is something in the way like a piece of plastic, the metal can still stick to the magnet.  We tested whether magnets work under water, we thought it wouldn’t work but it did.  We tested how close an object had to be to stick the magnet, the furthest away the metal could be was 4cm.

We also thought about where you might find magnets in everyday life.  We knew quite a few places where magnets are used to make our lives easier.  Can you think of any?


Investigating Viking Artefacts

Primary 4 have been learning about the Vikings.  We were very lucky this week to be able to investigate some real and replica Viking artefacts.  Sarah-Jane organised for the class to borrow some artefacts from the charity Archaeology Scotland.  The children really enjoyed looking at and touching the artefacts  They thought about what they might be used for, how they would be made, what they were made of and how they were found.

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Sarah-Jane told us about  being an archaeologist and showed the class some pictures of digs she had been on.


Primary 4 became history detectives – building stories about the people looking at the evidence.

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The children then did some observational drawing, looking at the artefacts and trying to draw exactly what they could see, thinking about line, pattern and shading to show the different textures and colours of the artefacts.

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Thank you to Sarah-Jane for organising this brilliant experience.

This week in P4

We have been to learning about Science and experiments and magnets.  We are planning to carry out experiments with magnets like; how fast they move something, what materials do they stick to, will they stick in water and more.  We have planned these experiments in pairs and are going to carry them out next week, look out for the results!

In writing, we have been learning about descriptive language.  We created scary stories  and they were so scary we jumped!  It was good fun.

In Maths we have been working on 2D shapes, we have been thinking of ways to remember them and their names.  We worked in our talking partners. We had a 2D shape quiz and we were in groups with team leaders, we had to choose the right answer.

We have also been sending a small group with Mrs Comrie, we have been learning about square numbers, numbers under zero and maths magic.

We have just started using the Red and Blue Reading boxes.  Everyone has their own level at their ability.  We are looking forward to using them because we work independently and get to mark our work.

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