This week, Primary 4 were developing their writing skills…
They were truly terrific when tackling tricky alliteration!
We learned that alliteration is when a writer starts many of his/her words with the same sound. We made up our own alliterative sentences and then tried to write our own alliterative poems.
Here are two fantastic examples below…
The Teacher
The toy tickled the teacher,
The teacher was tiny,
The terrible tot took a tantrum and stole the toy,
The teacher’s tortoise when to sea to swim,
The teacher’s toy took so long to sell so they took it away.
Logan Wilson
Donut the Dog
The dog Donut liked Daniel’s friend,
Dave Dreary who lived in a dungeon down underground.
It was drippy, damp and dim,
Daniel did something that has never been done before,
He drank a witches potion because a big storm was doing things to Daly town.
Mya McPhail
Well done Logan and Mya. Everyone did really well! Miss McLaughlin had to put in her reading teeth to tackle some of your tantalising tongue twisters!
Until next time…
Primary 4 & Miss M