Last week we had a trip to the swimming pool at Broxburn to do our swimming assessments. We no longer get a block of swimming it is only one visit. We will keep you posted as to what will happen next.
Last week we were looking at landscape paintings and Shannon very kindly brought in a couple of paintings for us to look at. We were learning the correct vocabulary to use when discussing landscape paintings. Our next steps are to practise mixing paints and using different types of brush stokes and then we will use these skills to paint a landscape of Sierra Leone.
We were also looking at the effects of severe weather and we discussed the different types of severe weather we can get in Scotland and Sierra Leone.
We are getting trained up to be excellent scientists! Last week we were learning all about the digestive system. In a few years our NHS will be looking good once our trained scientists get out there to help!
I r ember swimming from primary five but I didn’t go I had the cold