Primary 2 Make Medicines

What were we learning?

To create a solution for a design challenge.

How would we know if we were successful?

  • We used our knowledge of plants, herbs and spices to choose ingredients that would help Molly.
  • We created a plan to show which ingredients we had chosen.
  • We used our plan to make the medicines.

What did we do?

Molly is still feeling the effects of the flu, so Miss McLaughlin gave us a design challenge – make a medicine to help her feel better! We used her symptoms list and chose ingredients that would fix these. We chose things like lavender, which would help her sleep. We chose willow bark, which would help with aches and pains and fever. We also collected daisies from the grass outside, which would help with fighting the flu. We then collected our ingredients, and mixed them together in our own medicine bottles.

Miss McLaughlin sat with Molly while she taste-tested the medicines (it was definitely not easy!).

Molly had to make a decision on which medicine she felt helped her the most and had a clear plan to match it.

She chose Peyton’s medicine! Well done – you’ve earned 5 Dojo points!

Primary 2 will be hosting a ‘sharing the learning’ event on Wednesday 27th June at 2.00. Parents are invited along to learn more about our medicines and join us for some afternoon tea. Miss McLaughlin will also send a letter home this week with the date and time. We would love to see you there!

Check in with us next week to see what we are learning!

Until next time…
Primary 2 & Miss M 🙂

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