For anyone who cannot access the reading comprehension questions on the assignments tab. Nelson unit 16 advertisements
P6 Remote Learning Timetable for you to use!
remote learning timetable for P6 Week 1
If TEAMS is not playing P6 use the BLOG to access the files you need for assignments this afternoon………..
Book of the Week click here….. ‘If I ran for President ‘by Catherine Stier
p5 Maths Monday 23/03/20
Adding and Subtracting fractions differentiated worksheet
Here are copies of p5’s maths assignments for today for people struggling to access them on Teams.
Here is the basic worksheet for people who were off last week:
P4 Topic
Primary 4 RE
Primary 4 Maths
Primary 4 Reading
Primary 4 Spelling
Dear children (and parents) Re online learning/home learning
Dear children (and parents),
We hope you are all well.
Please bear with us. TEAMs is incredibly busy; as you would imagine. Teachers are uploading some info onto the blog when they cannot access the TEAMs. This info can also be accessed in the school app under NEWS.
P1-3 info – please see the blog or school app
P4-7 – you can ask questions directy to your teacher on the TEAMS or the blog, if you are having any difficulties.
The school email/phone is a back up for your parents to contact us if you still need help.
We are available to help throughout the day, no problem.
We miss you. Take care
Love from the OLOL staff team