Online books for infants

Hello everyone,

Ms Gavin has discovered some more fantastic e-books which you might like to read with your children.

First click on

Twinkl Books – to find out how to access the books, follow these simple instructions.

There is a huge variety of books to choose from. For my P1 children, they might enjoy ‘Starry Eyed Stan’ or ‘The Runaway Ice Berg’ as these link to our Under The Sea topic 🙂

You will need to create a parents account which is currently free.




P5 tasks Thursday 02/04/20

Today’s Tasks

If you feel that this is not enough there is more work in the “extra work” folder in Files.

You choose how and when to do your tasks.  Tasks can be done either in the assignments tab, class notebook, in a document which you email to me or you can just do it in a jotter and either send me a picture or ask someone at home to look at it and give you some feedback. You can do your work anytime that suits you, and in any order you like.  However, if you need my help I will only be available during school hours.

Writing – Write a narrative story about a ladybird.  We will be looking at a Julia Donaldson book for inspiration.  Remember that a narrative must have a complication and a resolution as well as the orientation and personal comment that we are used to in our recount writing.  Remember to write a plan first!

Maths – Fractions of a quantity (Textbook pages in your jotter) book 2a pg104 fractions of a quantity

Music (from Mrs Lang) – Hello everyone!

Hope you are all having a good day.

I’d like you to watch a clip by the RSNO. (They are the Royal Scottish National Orchestra.) They have filmed this in Glasgow in their kitchen. Challenge 1

Next, ask your grown up if you can borrow a plastic tub and a spoon please.

You will now have your own drum.

Can you join in and copy each rhythm?

You might want to play the clip a few times. Have fun!

I’d like you to do some singing as well.  Start the day with exercise.

Join in with group 1 when the song splits.  A little bit of kindness.


Your third song is any one that YOU would like to choose.  Please sing it to someone in your home.

Music for Primary 1, 2 and 3

Hi everyone
Hope you are having a great day.   
Three things to do on Thursday for music.  Two songs that I have chosen and one of your choice.

Hope you have fun with the Spring Chicken song!  It’s one of my favourites😊 Living and learning.
Try joining in with the chorus of Living and learning.
And can you sing your favourite song, you can choose anything,  to someone else in your home?  Remember singing is good for you all.❤️
Love from Mrs Lang

Primary 4 Learning (1.4.20)

Good morning Primary 4. Happy April Fools Day! Can you believe it’s April already? Here is your learning for today. I hope you enjoy the fun and challenge of today’s tasks. I am looking forward to speaking to you at Check In this morning. Have a great day! Remember, I am here if you need me.

1 Prayers

2 Comprehension Instructions

2 Easter Comprehension Blue and Red

2 Easter Comprehension Yellow

3 Reading


5 Topic Character profiles

6 RE The Last Supper

7 The Last Supper

8 Check Out

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