All posts by Mrs Brennan

Our Campers – P6 and P7

Just a wee update to say our Primary 6 campers have arrived safe and well.

I spoke to Miss Glencorse this morning also and she said that the Primary 7s are having a really great time and all is going well.  She is delighted with the behaviour of the pupils and how they are participating in all aspects of the camp.  #thumbsuptoallcampers

Selfie Cop

We recently received information about an app called Selfie Cop from West Lothian’s Child Protection Officer.  I thought it might be something which our parents and pupils might be interested in; as social media continues to have such a strong influence on our young people.  This may be a worthwhile app for our young people to have to encourage good, positive habits when sharing images.


Selfie Cop is an app that can be installed on the phones/tablets of children (targeted at 8-13 year olds) and their parents to help children learn to think more about images they share.  Every time the camera is activated on the phone/tablet, SelfieCop pops up and asks the child if they are sure about sharing this image – the image will also be available for the parent carer to view.  The app is installed with the child’s awareness and permission – it’s not about spying on their activity, it’s about trying to instill good habits around thinking twice before sharing images.

Assembly 8th February


What a lot we had to talk about today!OLOL

Chinese New Year – Gung hay fat choi! #yearofthemonkey    (

Pancake Tuesday, Ash Wednesday, Internet Safety Week and Our Feast Day celebrations.

We are going to the Church for the 9.30am on  Ash Wednesday  service and then again  on Friday for the Feast Day mass.

On Friday, we are having our pancake poem pictureFeast Day disco also and it is a non-uniform day for this.

More information will follow.


Monday’s Assembly 1st February

Today our focus was on Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC) and the Health and Well being indicators – SHANARRI.  We talked about what GIRFEC means and about what SHANARRI stands for.

S- safe, H – healthy, A- active, N – nurtured, A – active, R- responsible, R- respected and I – included.

This month’s assemblies are going to focus on Safe.

Over the course of the month we will be talking about : feeling safe, our rights, having adults that we trust and can talk to, what makes us feel safe,  what could we can do to make us even safer, getting better at risk assessing, developing resilience and building self confidence.   shanarri