All posts by Miss Hewit

P1 Music

Hello everyone in Primary 1!
Hope you are all having a good Thursday. As we usually have music on a Thursday in school, Mrs Lang has suggested some music activities you might like to do at home with your family…
Mrs Lang would like you to play the Egg Detective at home.  You have played this really well at school, so now have some fun at home.
Please be a music teacher and show someone in your house how to do it.
Remember to start with one colour only.  Eg. red egg is  a clap
You can choose your own sounds, you don’t need to do the same as Mrs Lang.
Next choose a sound for yellow.  Then a sound for blue.  The last time you can make all three sounds.
Have lots of fun😊  Level 1 Egg Detective
If you like try using homemade instruments.  A pot or plastic tub and spoon.  A tub with rice or pasta inside.  Be creative!

P1 Weekly Home Learning Planner for Parents

P1 Weekly Home Learning Planner for Parents

Dear Primary 1 Parents,

I hope you and all of the children are well – please tell them I am asking for them.

I hope today you have been able to have a look at the resources within the P1 pack and familiarise yourselves with everything. I understand that there is a lot to take in and I hope no one is feeling too stressed or overwhelmed at the moment.

I have attached a weekly planner for you which will direct you on specific tasks which should be completed each day. I hope you find this helpful.

Many thanks,

Miss Hewit

Primary 6’s phenomenal health week!

What a fantastic time P6 had during health week last week. On Friday we shared some of our opinions on our favourite parts…


  • “I loved how Sandra had so much energy! She had so many classes before us and was still so energetic!” – Aiste
  • “I enjoyed performing the dance, my favourite part was the song choice – Juju on that Beat” – Jayden


  • “I liked orienteering because we had the choice to go outside and pick our own teams to work with” – Kalvyn
  • “My favourite part was the challenge when we tried to figure out what the sentence meant” – Rachel

HiiT training

  • “I liked it because my legs really hurt the day after so I could tell it was a really good work out” – Robbie
  • “It was fun and something different. My arms and legs were aching the day after” – Evan Sm

Healthy Food Tasting

  • “I liked it because it was like getting a double lunch, but it was healthy and something different” – Evie
  • “I liked tasting the salad, it tasted fresh” – Reece
  • “I never thought I would like salad but when I put it in the wrap with the cold chicken it was really good, I would like this for my lunch again” – Lauchlin

P6 would like to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone (visitors and teachers) who helped make our health week so much fun!

Igor’s Last Day

Today we had a fun afternoon celebrating Igor’s last day at OLOL. We are all very sad to see him go and wish him the best of luck at his new school in Livingston. Thank you, Igor, for being such a fantastic member of Primary 6. We hope you can come back and visit us sometime!