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October Holidays Tennis Coaching

Below you will find information on tennis sessions at Kirkton Park Tennis Club in Bathgate available during the October break that may be of interest to some of our pupils.
October Coaching Camps
KPTC and our new courts are hosting holiday camps during October break from Monday 17th-Friday 21st October 2016. The camps are split into following age groups 2-3pm: 5-8 years, 3-4pm: 9 and 10 years and 4-5pm: 11 years and older.
The coaching will be provided from Eoin Swan who operates the Junior Tennis Livingston programme on the other side of West Lothian.
To book on for full week or for single day please use following links:
11 years + (Green Balls)
Please click on the links for more information.
Mr Richards
Active Schools Co-ordinator, Murrayfield Primary School

P6 and P7 Residential Trip – Dalguise Parent Informaton

Hi all,

As promised (although late as I couldn’t get my internet connection to work at home last night!!!) here is a link that will take you to the PGL website for Dalguise where you can have another look at the facilities available and take the virtual tour.

If you scroll down you will see a section called ‘Activities Available’ and you can  see a detailed description of activities if you choose from the drop down list.

They all look great fun and I would love to be going….maybe I could be away from my little one after all!!! ; )

Mrs Waugh


P7 News!

p7 have had another super week and even finished their week off with a visitor to discuss their topic.

Megan Cordner has been taking the time to support the class with visuals for their Natural Disasters topic and after receiving a letter from Mhari, she came in to share her learning with the class- how could we say no with her skills and knowledge as a Geography student! She had a super morning with the class and the children asked her some very suitable questions. Well done P7!

Thank you to all parents who came to parents evening. It was lovely to see you and have a good natter. Just a quick note to say maths homework is due in on Monday and The Big Talk homework this week is to bring in a newspaper article to discuss in class. A letter will be handed out on Monday to remind all children, but please do not worry if you havnt has time over Monday evening…a simple further discussion of newspapers would be brilliant.

Thanks again for your continued support. Have a great weekend 🙂

P5 this week.

  • We had a very interesting discussion on deforestation this week and the effect it has on the world.
  • P5 was shocked to see how many household products contained palm oil.
  • As part of our BIG write this week we wrote letters to loggers and explained our feelings on deforestation.
  • The children had the opportunity to share their Rainforest animal fact files through the use of Power Point. Pretty impressive!
  • P5 has worked incredibly hard on drawing Toucans – we looked at line and shape. They look amazing.

News from Primary 2

We all came dressed in spots and dots to raise money for the blind.


What have we been learning this week?

We wrote a thank you letter to Pam, our cleaning lady – McKenzii

We stuck the photos of people who help us in school into our Big Book – Kirsty

We were doing a time challenge – some of us chose Extra Hot – Kailli

We were practicing our reading – Rhian

We have been practicing our handwriting – William

We have been practicing working with bigger numbers – matching up the name to the number – Kirsty


Have a nice weekend everyone – one more week to the holidays


Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday 7th October, is spots and dots Dress Down Day. You can wear anything that has spots or dots and…


By bringing £1 to school, you will help raise funds for RNIB and ROYAL BLIND.

P4 hope you can make it to their assembly, which promises to give you spots before your eyes!


P6 and P7 Outdoor Education Residential Trip – Dalguise Activity Centre, Perthshire


Dear Parent/ Carer,

There will be a parent information session on Tuesday 11th October 2016 at 3.30pm.  This is an opportunity to hear a little more about this year’s residential activity week and to provide you with relevant information, e.g. suggested clothing lists, timings for buses etc.

It is also a good opportunity to discuss any questions, queries or concerns you may have.  We hope you can make it along, however if not information packs will be sent home with pupils if a parent/carer has been unable to attend.

Abigail Waugh

Depute Head Teacher


West Lothian Foodbank


Primary 4 had an excellent visit to West Lothian Foodbank yesterday. As part of our topic of charities and caring, we visited the local distribution centre in Blackburn and saw what this excellent charity does for local people. The lady from West Lothian Foodbank gave us lots of information about how the charity works and who it helps.

We were so inspired that we decided to become the “good neighbours “they described and organise a collection in school! Could we therefore ask that the children bring in a small donation of food items to donate to this very worthwhile charity. Please see the flier for ideas about suitable donations. Thank You!

We will also have a dress down day on 14/10/16. There will be no particular theme just a non- uniform day and all £1 donations will also go to this charity.