
Good morning everyone , and welcome back to the start of a new week.

I hope you all had some fun with your families over the weekend.

Here are some activities for you to try today.


French Colours 1


Time to Draw, Count and Get Outdoors.

When you are out and about on a walk why not take some drawing materials and draw what you see? You could try white chalk on a darker piece of paper or recycled cardboard. Or you could take a twig with a leaf and draw that back at home. Why not try drawing with a twig using water or make your own berry ink or something runny from the kitchen like soy sauce. Try using thick and thin twigs and see what kind of lines you can make. Paint on the ground outside. If you have some DIY paintbrushes then you can make really thick lines. Old wallpaper is good to draw and paint on. Try reusing packaging.

You can also adapt Waltener’s ideas and wind wool or string round objects that you scavenge from your walk and make a journey memory stick. Let’s get twining!

It is fun trying to identify trees from their shape or leaves. Take some photos and try to find out what they are called.

STEM have lots of science challenges to try too. Have fun exploring, observing and recording whether in science or art.

TWINING_Shane Waltener STEM AT HOME CARDS t-n-252416-outdoor-maths-challenge-cards_ver_8 P10 getting to know trees link to first level draing trees BERRY PAINTING_Cornelia Parker self-assess colours First Level Drawing Challenge 1

Supports For Learning At Home

Here are some visuals and suggestions to support you while you are learning from home:

This link takes you to a PDF of a phonic code poster to see which letters make the same sound to help with reading and spelling.


If you are looking for some apps to support learning at home here are some that CALL Scotland recommend

For Android:


And for Apple:


And here are some tips for using an Ipad to support Dyslexia


Let’s check our understanding in French

It might be an idea to go over some of your learning to make sure you know most vocabulary before moving on. For First level Numbers to 20 and for P1 Numbers to 5.

Also, check your knowledge of colours. Can you say them correctly. You can check this on Google translate which has an audio function.

Why not write a sentence in English, translate into French and see if you can repeat it afterwards?

I’ve added a chance to draw with Lenton just for fun.

Bonne chance!

Miss Brolls

french_greetings_and_numbers (1)

links to creativity word doc. Drawing link here.

french_numbers_mf (1) and use Google translate french_numbers_wordsearch (1)

Good Morning P2/3!

Happy Friday boys and girls!

I hope you have had a lovely week of 🌞and 😂.

Here are today’s tasks:

Week 3 Friday

Have a lovely day and enjoy your weekend!

Love Miss Clark 👩


Good morning boys and girls!

I hope you managed to get out into the sunshine yesterday, it was a lovely day.

I think the sun is going to shine again today so make sure you make the most of it. I know you are all working very hard but remember not to worry if you can’t get all the activities done, you are all doing an absolutely fantastic job (you too mums, dads and carers) I am so proud of you all.


Greater than less than crocodiles

greater than or less than

comparing measurements

Weekly Wellbeing Journal Pack 1 Thursday

how to draw a face

past or present tense

Take care

Love Miss A x


Good morning P1/2

I think it might be another lovely day today, so I hope you will be able to enjoy some time outside either in the garden or when taking your daily exercise.

Here are some new tasks for you to try.  The Sumdog Challenge continues today, and many of you have already made a great start to it. Well done!

I have also enjoyed seeing some of the tasks you have completed recently, so thank you for sharing them with me.

Remember not to worry about completing every single task each day. Just do your best, and take time to have fun and enjoy the beautiful weather too!


oy Roll and Read

Word Problem cards



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