Hello everyone, how are you? I bet you’re all as glad as me that the sunshine has made an appearance again. I hope you all managed to get outside and have some fun.
P.E Lesson 25.5.20
- Ball Skills (E&O – HWB 1-22a PE SAL – Gross & Fine Motor Skills)
I can follow and understand rules and procedures, developing my ability to achieve personal goals. I recognise and can adopt different roles in a range of practical activities.
This week, our P.E lesson will hopefully help to improve your confidence at controlling a ball. I have uploaded a ‘Golf Rolling’ challenge sheet (see below). Please select challenges that suit your own abilities to creating an obstacle course for you to take part in the Golf Rolling challenge. There are plenty of other ideas on the activity sheets too. The main thing is that you enjoy this challenge and keep safe. Make sure that you have cleared a big enough space (ideally go outdoors).Remember have fun and enjoy!