Category Archives: School Information

Curriculum Evening: Maths

On Thursday night we invited parents and carers along to find out about our world of Maths at Mid Calder Primary. As you know Maths is on our school improvement plan for the second year, we began in the hall discussing with parents our journey with maths so far. Then the Numeracy shared with us some information about SEAL (stage of early arithmetical learning) and how parents can support at home.  This was followed by workshops in classes demonstrating what a typical maths lesson looks like and how parents can support their child at home. A big thank you to everyone who supported the event and to our house and vice captains who helped with the smooth running of the event.

Feedback from parents included:

  • ‘These evenings are great to get ideas as to how to help my child at home’.
  • ‘Our daughter talks a lot about the strategies she is learning about’.
  • ‘My child is very enthusiastic when doing Maths homework’.
  • ‘This was a good insight into how my child is learning and developing within Maths’.
  • ‘We can see the improvements being made, keep up the good work’.

School Overview:

Numeracy Team Input:


Primary 1:

P1 from midcps

Primary 2/3:


Primary 4/5:

P4/5 from midcps


Primary 6/7

Term 2 House Winners: Calderwood

Congratulations to Calderwood who won the House Cup in Term 2. Millie and Jamie organised a Glow Party which included, glow sticks, glow corners, games, dancing and lots of yummy food – chocolate fondue, popcorn, sweets and juice. A big well done to the house captain, vice captain and all the Primary 7s who helped to organise and run the party. A special thanks to Mrs Bokhari for helping with the food.

Well done Calderwood!

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First Event for House & Vice Captains

Today our house and vice-captains had their first task to complete in their new leadership roles. The house captains presented to guests at our Validated Self Evaluation (VSE) Scoping Meeting about the changes that have occurred in our school and the positive impact the changes had had on them. The vice captains showed our guests around the school. A big thank you to the house captain team who represented our school in a positive and engaging way.


Meet the Teacher 2015

Tonight we had our annual Meet the Teacher evening. The evening began with an introduction from Miss Thompson explaining our priorities for the year ahead. This was followed by the a presentation from the house captains on our positive ethos policy and how we have been building our community. We shared a video made by P4-7 about internet safety and Mrs Kellner gave an overview of support for learning at Mid Calder Primary. Next each class had a workshop so that parents could find out more about what their child will be learning this year. Thank you to the parents who supported this event, and to the house captains and staff for their contributions.

2014-2015_Standard & Quality Report: Parent leaflet

2015 16 School Improvement Plan: Parent Leaflet