Category Archives: Community

The Liv’n Harmoneez Kidz Choir

The Black Bull Function Suite

Mid Calder

Thursdays 6.30pm-7.10pm

Starts Thursday 5th November

Cost £4 per week

Come along and join our exciting new addition to Star Harmonies-

The Liv’n Harmoneez!

This is a new and exciting Choir for kids from P3 upwards where the emphasis is on fun and enjoyment as much as singing.

Singing is proven to boost your confidence, improve concentration and gives your body a good workout.

Come along, make new friends and sing some popular modern pop musical theatre and traditional songs in a welcoming environment.

To book a place and for more details phone: 07545 178310

Or e-mail-starharmonies,


Money Fortnight Open Afternoon

To celebrate the end of Money Fortnight we invited our parents and families into school to share with them what we have been learning about in connection with money, and also our interdisciplinary learning context for learning. Activities included visiting the bank, sharing our storybook, making a rainforest in a bottle and making sushi. Thank you to all the parents and families that came along to support this event, there was a great ‘buzz’ around the school.


Meet the Teacher 2015

Tonight we had our annual Meet the Teacher evening. The evening began with an introduction from Miss Thompson explaining our priorities for the year ahead. This was followed by the a presentation from the house captains on our positive ethos policy and how we have been building our community. We shared a video made by P4-7 about internet safety and Mrs Kellner gave an overview of support for learning at Mid Calder Primary. Next each class had a workshop so that parents could find out more about what their child will be learning this year. Thank you to the parents who supported this event, and to the house captains and staff for their contributions.

2014-2015_Standard & Quality Report: Parent leaflet

2015 16 School Improvement Plan: Parent Leaflet