Category Archives: Primary 3

Digital Leaders for Digital Learning Week

To celebrate Education Scotland’s National Digital Learning Week, our Technical Troopers have been working extremely hard to make a #digitaldifference in Mid Calder Primary School. They have delivered lessons across all stages of our school, teaching our pupils how to use a range of digital tools to enhance their learning. Primary 4A, 4B and P3 received a lesson on how to use the Glow tool Forms, while P7/6 and P5A learned how to the Glow tool Sway. The Technical Troopers helped our Nursery children to develop their positional language by using the Bee-Bots, as well as supporting P1 with logging onto the netbooks and accessing a pirate themed activity using Purple Mash. Primary 6 were taught about the language of coding using Hour of Code, while P5B continued to develop their programming skills using Scratch to create a simple game. P3/2 were shown how to use the different features of iMovie to create a short film about their IDL context.

The Technical Troopers received lots of positive feedback from both the teachers and the pupils, and they did a fantastic job at sharing their own digital skills confidently to make a #digitaldifference.

Hadden Construction Safety Competition

Hadden Construction are building our new Nursery and they set us the challenge of designing a safety poster for the building site. As Primary 1 have been learning all about building they judged the competition. The winners were announced at assembly this morning and received a gift voucher funded by Hadden Construction. We are also using the rest of the donation to buy some new books for our new library.

A big well done to everyone who took part and thank you to Hadden Construction.

P3’s Digital Learning Week!

This week P3 have been thinking about Digital Literacy and how it is used in our classroom to support and enhance learning. P3 think that Digital Literacy:

  • Gives children a different way to present information and demonstrate their learning.
  • Allows children to explore Numeracy, Literacy and other curriculum areas in a fun way through games and apps such as Sumdog and Purple Mash.
  • Allows children to share and discuss our learning through Sway and Yammer.
  • Helps children to concentrate because it is a fun way to learn.
  • Lets children explore new things that they have not seen before.
  • Helps to prepare children for CEM testing.

We also had a visit from the Technical Troopers this week who delivered a fantastic lesson showing the children how to create a questionnaire using Forms. The children loved this and were able to create questionnaires based on our context of Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds.

Miss Clark: The Technical Troopers did a great job of showing the children how to create their questionnaires step by step.

Eilidh: I enjoyed learning how to make a questionnaire with pictures and videos!

Lewis Adams: I liked being able to pick a picture to add to my questionnaire.

Marc: I think the Technical Troopers were helpful and they showed me how to add a video and picture to my questionnaire.

Ben: The Technical Troopers were very kind and let us take our time using the netbooks.

Alex: I enjoyed the Technical Troopers teaching us more about using the Glow page to learn new things!

Digital Learning Week: Sumdog Contest

P1-7 have been entered to take part in Sumdog’s special Scottish contest to celebrate Education Scotland’s National Digital Learning Week. This runs from 12-18th May and can be played at both home and at school using the Sumdog website or app. All pupils should have their Sumdog log in their homework diary/ book.

The children have to answer 1000 questions and their score is based on accuracy, not speed or winning games. There are also prizes to be won and certificates will be given out at assembly for those children in the top 50 from across Scotland.

Good luck everyone!

Digital Learning Week: Supporting Learning at Home

Sum Dog and Purple Mash are two online resources we have purchased to support learning and teaching in Maths and Language. These resources can be used in school and at home. The PSA have helped us to purchase Purple Mash.

Teachers may set homework using these resources, however if homework has not been set parents can use these resources to support Maths and Language development at home.

Sum Dog

P1-7 have a Sum Dog Reading and Maths account. They can access this account at home by using the log in provided in their homework diary/book.

To access Sum Dog go to:

If you have an apple device you can download the Sum Dog app for free.

Purple Mash

P1-7 have a Purple Mash account. They can access this account at home by using the log in provided in their homework diary/book.

To access Purple Mash go to:

To find out how to use Purple Mash on your tablet you will find information here:

To find out how to use Purple Mash with iPad apps you will find information here:


Information to support parents/ carers: using-ict-to-support-maths-and-language-updated


P2/3’s Scary Assembly on the 12th of May 2017

P2/3 were busy preparing for their Assembly last week. They made some multi-media presentations with the help of Kevin and the Technical Troopers (Ben< Jamie, Myah and Rhuaridh). We made a thrilling music video in the style of Michael Jackson. Our bones were moving in the Skeleton Dance and some of the moves from the Thriller original. We presented facts that we had learned from our Healthy Bodies IDL topic and we put these into our own words. We worked in groups to edit our presentation to match the pictures to the script we had made. here were some of the fascinating facts that we researched:
Jessica found out that your bones grow until you are 30 years old.
Daisy D. – You cannot see your skeleton but it holds your body in shape. Like a giraffe you have 7 bones in your neck.
Naomi – The bones are healthy. They are good. They keep you strong. Your heart beeps. Here is a question: why does your heart beat?
Answer:to pump blood around your body.
Daisy F. – Without bones you would be as wobbly as a jellyfish.
Our key questions that we are learning about are:
1. What are the main organs in my body and how do they function in a healthy body? HWB 1-05a, SCN 1-12a
2. What is a healthy body? How do I look after my body? HWB 1-15a, HWB 1-28a, SCN 1-12a
3. How does the food I eat affect my body? TCH 1-04a, TCH 1-04c, HWB 1-15a
4. What is a healthy mind? How can I look after my mind and who can I look to for support? HWB 1-05a
5. What is the link between the mind and body? HWB 1-05a, HWB 1-15a, HWB 1-28a
Many thanks to Annalise’s Mum and big sister for helping with the stage make-up. The ghouls and skeletons were very scary indeed!
Thank you for everyone who came to our Assembly.