Category Archives: Learning Stories

P2 Winter Ready Activities

Good Morning Primary 2

I hope you are all having lots of fun in the snow with your friends and family.  Here are some activities for you to try today.


  • Write a story about your adventures in the snow. Illustrate your story with some pictures, or take some photos.
  • Can you invent a fantastic new machine to clear all the snow away now? What does it look like? How does it work? What special features does it have? Draw a detailed picture and label it neatly and accurately.
  • Read your favourite story. Draw and describe the main character, or even make a puppet of the character using an old sock, or a wooden spoon or a .  .  .
  • Why not visit the World Book Day website and watch the Biggest Book Show On Earth (Illustrator Extravaganza)

  • Or perhaps you would enjoy a Reading Challenge?

Share-a-Story-Reach-for-the-Stars-Reading-Challenge-1 (1)


Maths and Numeracy

  • Play a number game such as Guess My Number e.g. my number is an odd number, it is a teen number, it is more than/less than etc.
  • Go on a 2D and 3D shape hunt around the house and see how many of each shape you can find. Can you make some 3D shapes from snow?
  • Play a game like Snakes & Ladders, Dominoes or Ludo
  • Log in to Sumdog and take part in our Primary 2 Snow Day Competition



This week we started to look at life in Roman times.

Use your research skills to find out more about Roman homes. What materials were used to build houses? How were the walls and floors decorated? Were the homes heated?

Next week we will be investigating the clothes they wore and the food they ate. Perhaps you can find something out and be ready to share it with the class.

Snow Day suggestions P7

Primary 7

Below you will find a list of suggested activities should there be an unplanned school closure.


Revise your spelling words using any of the strategies we have discussed.

Work on set reading where possible. Alternatively write a review of a book of your choice. Design a front cover for the book. Map the journey of the main character.

Write an imaginative story entitled ‘Crack in the ice!’ – remember to use VCOP.

Write a winter poem using imagery, similes and metaphors.


Practise times tables.  Time yourself! See how quickly you can write out a times table then try and beat your record.

Continue to develop your skills in measuring and weighing by following a recipe. Take pictures to share your work with the class on return to school.

Weigh and measure items from around the home and create a table to record your results.

Carry out a survey of your choice for example favourite sandwich filling and display your results in a bar chart or pie chart.


Other areas

Research weather conditions and how icicles and snowflakes are formed.

Record daily temperatures in a table then display results in a graph.

Choose a Scandinavian country, research and create a fact file. Compare their weather to ours here in Scotland. For example how do they cope in wintry weather? Does their daily life change in the winter?

Design and make a winter decoration. Write down instructions detailing how your decoration is made – photographs or labelled diagrams would be useful.

Make a ‘Wintry Scene’ collage.

Dynamic Designs in P3

We are learning to design a vehicle

Success Criteria:
Using what I know, I can include features that will suit different climates and landscapes
I can create a neat and detailed drawing of my vehicle
I can label each part and effectively describe why it has been included
I can use a ruler and my space effectively

Great news! Primary 3 have been working extremely hard to help Gamba the giraffe to get back home to Africa, and we finally received the postcard we have been waiting for to let us know that he made it! He also set us one final challenge- to design a vehicle that he could have used to travel across all of the different landscapes he discovered on his journey. We had to use all of our research to create a design, thinking carefully about all of the climates and living things that Gamba met along the way.

We think Gamba will be very impressed with our designs. We included lots of features that demonstrated our knowledge of the different landscapes, climates and living things we have been learning about. Lots of us also included thoughtful things to make Gamba more comfortable on his travels.

We have been keeping a track of Gamba’s journey on our world map in the classroom and we are very proud that all of our hard work helped him to get back home.

School Closure

Good morning everyone,

I know you will have had a group call to say the school is closed tomorrow and that we will miss both the ‘P7 Assembly’ and the ‘Bingo Night’.

We will reschedule the P7 assembly for later in the session, I know they have put a lot of work into their presentations and it would be a shame if they did not get to showcase them. I am sure the PSA will be in touch to let everyone know the new arrangements for the bingo night.

The conditions are not ideal but it is lovely to look out and for children to venture out and have fun. I was out yesterday for a short while to clear garden paths and it was bitter cold, this morning you would not know where these paths are!

Boys and girls if you are outside keep wrapped up cosy and keep yourself safe. I look forward to seeing you all back with lots of stories on Monday.   Mrs McKenzie

Snow Snow Snow

Good morning everyone,

Here we are all stuck at home and wondering what we can do!

I do not imagine that is the situation at all and you are already very busy. However, boys and girls you could catch up on your spelling homework, read an extra few pages of your reading book or use your Sum-dog log in to complete some maths challenges OR you could get outside build an amazing snow structure, take a picture and e-mail the school with them. I am sure your teacher would love to see what you did on your day off. Take care and keep safe when you are outside, hope to see you tomorrow.                                                     Mrs McKenzie


Nursery Eco Warriors!

The nursery children have been exploring the outdoors. While on these outings they noted there was lots of litter in the area. After discussing what we could do about this the children said they would like to help to clean up their environment. Armed with litter pickers and bin bags they set out on their eco warrior adventure. I’m sure you would agree, what a fabulous job they did.

P1P Explore Farms through Digital Technologies

LI: We are learning to use digital technologies to recreate aspects of a farm.

SC: I can work with others
I can share my ideas with others
I can plan and create simple programs/designs
I can use Purple Mash to create a picture of a farm.
I can animate a farm scene using Scratch JR

Today, P1P recalled their learning from last week’s technologies lesson during our IDL ‘On the Farm’. We used what we had learned from tinkering with Scratch JR to recreate and animate a farm scene. We were able to change the movement, size and speed of characters. Some of us even managed to record our own voices and add them to our characters.

We then explored Purple Mash for the first time to recreate a farm using clip art and animations. P1P were able to explore the app and come up with their own ideas.

Ooh La La! French Culture Hits Mid Calder.

Come along to our Curriculum Evening on Tuesday to find out how we learn about France, French culture and French vocabulary. The upper school will be there to present their learning with videos, Powerpoints and posters.

Miss Brolls will try to offer ways to support Modern Languages evening using cartoons

OR with a structured lesson as below

French First Level Classroom Talk Updated