Category Archives: Learning Stories

P7/6 Learning Letter Term 2

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 2 in Primary 7/6. Last term, the children were incredibly motivated and enthusiastic whilst learning all about World War Two. They demonstrated that they are successful learners and effective contributors through a variety of learning experiences. Our focus for IDL learning this term is our production of Alice the Musical.  Pupils are currently working very hard to learn songs, lines and dances to create a fantastical and magical production, which we are all excited to share with you! As usual, in the build up to Christmas, the school will be a hive of activity. Particular events are detailed at the bottom of the page.

Miss Anderson


P2/1 Learning Letter Term 2

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 2 in Primary 2/1. The highlights of last term included our visit from Buddy Bear and our trip to Almondell and Calderwood Country Park. We hope you enjoyed reading about our activities and looking at the photographs on the school blog. This term we are looking forward to exploring our IDL context of ‘Cops and Robbers’. We are also beginning to practice the P1 Nativity and P2 – P3 Christmas show.

Mrs George, P2/1 Teacher


P7 Learning Letter Term 2

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 2 in Primary 7.  This term we began with demonstrating that we were confidence individuals who could represent our school at a cluster wide event.  On October 26th P7 pupils travelled to Excite at East Calder to participate in Sportshall Athletics, competing against four other cluster schools.  All of the pupils demonstrated excellent sportsperson-like attitudes and were a credit to our school.  Our focus for IDL learning is our production of Alice the Musical.  Pupils are currently working very hard to learn songs, lines and dances to create a fantastical and magical production, which we are all excited to share with you!

Mrs Ross


Read All About It!

Learning Intention: We are learning to skim and scan for information.

P5B have been using the First News newspaper to develop our reading skills this week. We learned about the skills of skimming for gist and scanning for specific information, then applied these skills when taking part in a news quiz. We were read a set of questions related to articles in this week’s First News edition and had to skim and scan to locate the answer as quickly as possible. We have also been learning how to ask and answer a range of questions about a text through our new IDL context, George’s Marvellous Medicine.


Celebration Assembly- Term 1

On Friday, we had our first Celebration Assembly of this session. Each class teacher nominated two people in their class to receive a Remarkable Reader award and a STEM Superstar award and their parents were invited along to the assembly.

We presented top scorer awards and celebrated the fact that Linhouse were our winning house last term.  Some of our pupils have also achieved their bronze and silver awards for their iAchieve level which tracks achievement inside and outside of school.

Well done to everyone who received an award!