Category Archives: Learning Stories

P7/6 Term 4 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 7/6.  In this last term the children are looking forward to planning and developing their knowledge and understanding of outdoors within their topic ‘How Does Your Garden Grow’. Exciting and challenging lessons and activities will be completed by the pupils, using the context of our own playground and surrounding areas.  If any parents or carers would like to donate their time or materials to help with our topic we would very much appreciate it.  We are excited about P7 leavers activities and starting with our new roles in P6 unsupervised in preparation for P7.

Dates for up and coming events:

P7 & P6 Topic trip date to confirmed                                     18th May: Reading Curriculum Evening

11th May:  Parents Sex Education Evening at 5pm.                           Transition dates for WCHS, JYHS TBC

26th June: P7 Leavers Assembly                                                             29th June: P7 Leavers Party

learning letter p7.6 term 4 new

P5 Learning Letter Term 4

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to term 4 in Primary 5. We are looking forward to a busy, fun filled and creative final term. The highlights of last term included attending the Handball Sports Festival, our trip to Dynamic Earth and our STEM open afternoon. We were also very excited to piece all of our evidence together to find out who took the Green children in our IDL context, Kidnapped. This term we have started to ‘Be Prepared’ for our school show, The Lion King, and we ‘Just Can’t Wait’ to share it with you…

Miss Sherlow and Mrs Campbell

P5 Teachers

Letter to parents- Key Dates

Learning Letter P5A and P5B Term 4

P3/2 Learning Letter Term 4

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 2/3. Welcome back after our Easter Break. Last term we enjoyed the Bike Design Process topic and our visits from parents and the bikeability session outside. All pupils are engaged with the JLTeams and litter-picking was an April event. The P3s enjoyed their multisport afternoon on the 26th. Our new topic is Healthy Minds and Healthy Bodies so we look forward to more fitness and learning life skills to make us healthier!

Miss Brolls

P2/3 Teacher

Term 4 Learning Letter P23

Primary 3 Term 4 Learning Letter

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 3. All of the children have settled back in to class and are looking forward to lots of fun in Term 4. The highlights of last term included our Burns Supper, a trip to Jupiter Art Land and our Baby Gym Challenge. This term Primary 3 have lots to look forward to with our class assembly, a trip to the Multi-sports festival and lots more!

Miss Clark

P3 Teacher

Learning Letter P3 Term 4

P2/1 Learning Letter Term 4

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Term 4 in Primary 2/1. First of all, a huge thank you for the support you gave last term. It was a very busy time for us, but we enjoyed lots of new experiences in our learning journey. Hopefully the children were enthusiastic about sharing their learning with you at home too. Highlights of last term included our visit to Stirling Castle and the Ball In The Hall with our P7 Buddies. As part of the STEM ‘Building Our Nursery’ topic, we also enjoyed a visit to the Robertson Homes building site. This helped us to understand how buildings are created, and how everyone has an important role to play during the building process.

Now, there is a lot to look forward to in the term ahead. This includes our new IDL context- Pirates and our Assembly. We look forward to seeing you there!

Mrs Walker

P2/1 Teacher

Learning Letter P2-1 T4 (2)

Nursery Learning Letter Term 4

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to the final term this session.  Term 3 was very busy with our focus on Superheroes and on keeping ourselves healthy.  Highlights from the term include visits by the Fire Brigade and the Ambulance Service.  The children also enjoyed taking part in our Burns Celebrations in January.  It was fantastic to have so many mums join us for our Mother’s Day tea party. Everyone enjoyed it and the children loved having you in the nursery with them. Thank you for once again supporting us and your children. This term we will be looking forward to our Sports Day, our trip to the Five Sisters Zoo and an event to celebrate the end of another year. We are also excited about the return of Adventure Ted. We hope you and your child have a lovely time with him.  We are looking forward to a variety of transition events for our Preschool children this term preparing them to ensure their move to Primary School is smooth.

Kind regards, Mrs Murray, Mrs Diamond, Mrs Aikman and Mrs Findlay

nursery learning letter term 4

GoPro Guys!


At the smart board, the children watched their video footage made using the GoPro. Watching and listening carefully the children took turns to discuss and share their learning experiences with each other. It was good looking back at what we have been doing in the nursery and will continue to explore how we can use various technologies to enhance our learning through play.

P2/3 Term 4 IDL Topic – Healthy Minds/Healthy Bodies

P2/3 are finding out about the organs in the body and how these function. We asked Mrs McCormack questions about bodily functions because she is a nurse.
How does your hair grow?
How do lungs work?
What is an unhealthy environment?
What shape is the heart?

What is inside our bones?

Kevin from Enjoy-a-Ball did a bleep test to see how fit we are and now we are going to do some fitness training to increase our stamina. We are also learning how to relax using yoga.

If anyone has an interest in Health and can come in to answer questions they would be very welcome. A good website for research is

Term 3 Celebration Assembly

This morning we welcomed parents and friends along to our Celebration Celebration so that pupils could receive their STEM Super Star and Remarkable Reader Awards. We also announced the Top Scorers for each house and a big well done to Almondell who won the House Cup for last term.

Miss Sherlow presented those pupils who came in the top 50 of the West Lothain SumDog Competition with a certificate.

Lewis and Ross, both past pupils from our school who now attend West Calder High shared their achievements with us. They reminded us it was important to achievement academically and in other areas of life, and also to have fund along the way. A big thank you to Lewis and Ross for joining us.




P3 Problem Solvers 21st April 2017

P3 had to solve problems based on finding number sequence rules doing the activity of Hopscotch! They worked in trios and had to explain their thinking as they worked together. Some children saw the odd and even patterns whilst others saw the number sequence and could predict what would be the next few terms in that sequence. Just brilliant. They will be working together again in the coming weeks with miss Clark and Miss Brolls.