Nursery Learning Letter Term 4

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to the final term this session.  Term 3 was very busy with our focus on Superheroes and on keeping ourselves healthy.  Highlights from the term include visits by the Fire Brigade and the Ambulance Service.  The children also enjoyed taking part in our Burns Celebrations in January.  It was fantastic to have so many mums join us for our Mother’s Day tea party. Everyone enjoyed it and the children loved having you in the nursery with them. Thank you for once again supporting us and your children. This term we will be looking forward to our Sports Day, our trip to the Five Sisters Zoo and an event to celebrate the end of another year. We are also excited about the return of Adventure Ted. We hope you and your child have a lovely time with him.  We are looking forward to a variety of transition events for our Preschool children this term preparing them to ensure their move to Primary School is smooth.

Kind regards, Mrs Murray, Mrs Diamond, Mrs Aikman and Mrs Findlay

nursery learning letter term 4

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