Category Archives: Learning Stories

Dinosaur Invasion in Primary 3

We have been learning to write a story about a dinosaur invasion at Mid Calder Primary School

Success Criteria: I use features specific to an imaginary story including:
– an interesting opening sentence to ‘hook’ my reader in
– a description of the dinosaur
– a description of what happened
– my thoughts and feelings
– an interesting setting for my story
I can use adjectives to paint a clear picture in my reader’s head

This week, Primary 3 arrived into our classroom to find that it has been destroyed. We checked the CCTV footage and found out that we’d had a visitor, a very large visitor…

We used drama techniques to explore what we thought the tyrannosaurus rex might have done next during its invasion of our school. We improvised how we thought the rest of our pupils would react to seeing a dinosaur, then we created a still image using our body language and facial expressions to portray our thoughts and feelings.

We used these ideas to help us to write a story about the dinosaur invasion, describing what the tyrannosaurus rex got up to in Mid Calder Primary and how we reacted. We included lots of adjectives to help us to paint a clear picture in our reader’s mind. Some of us definitely enjoyed describing the teachers getting eaten a little bit too much…

Mr T.Rex Visits Mid Calder

Today Primary 3, Primary 4 and Primary 2 had a very special visitor, Mr T. Rex. At the beginning of their Dinosaurs IDL context, Mr Rex wrote each class a letter asking for their help, as he believed that the people were forgetting about the dinosaurs. He challenged P2, P3 and P4 to set up a Mid Calder Museum to teach other pupils and keep the memory of dinosaurs alive, and we enthusiastically accepted this request.

This week, we held our museums and shared our new knowledge and skills with Primary 1 and Primary 7. We loved showcasing our learning and we felt that we definitely helped Mr T. Rex. We were extremely excited to meet the man himself and asked him lots of relevant questions about his job and his experience of finding fossils. He was able to teach us lots of new and interesting facts about palaeontology and different dinosaurs.

A colossal thank you to Mr T. Rex for coming to visit. What an end to a very exciting week, and a fantastic IDL context. We have loved journeying back to the land before time to stop the memory of dinosaurs from becoming extinct.

Term 1 Celebration Assembly

This morning, we welcomed parents and friends along to our first Celebration Assembly of the 2017-18 session. We acknowledged the success of pupils from across the school and nursery with out STEM Super Star and, in line with our School Improvement Plan, our new Successful Speller Award. One member of each of the 6 groups from our recent Loch Insh residential were also presented with an award.

We announced the Top Scorers for each house and a big well done to Cunnigar who won the House Cup for the term.


Crafty Christmas Fundraising

We are getting ready for Christmas making cards using line drawing, painting and then cut-out collage in the style of Alice Druitt at Gingerpaws designs. Nathan’s gran is coming in to help with the careful mounting and card design at our Craft Club on the first Tuesday back after the hols and thereafter on a Wednesday. We have some very crafty staff helping too. If you are a keen crafter and want to help please let Miss Brolls know. We need small colourful or mother of pearl buttons for one of the cards so donations will be gratefully received. Get out yer button boxes and give for the fundraiser!