Dinosaur Invasion in Primary 3

We have been learning to write a story about a dinosaur invasion at Mid Calder Primary School

Success Criteria: I use features specific to an imaginary story including:
– an interesting opening sentence to ‘hook’ my reader in
– a description of the dinosaur
– a description of what happened
– my thoughts and feelings
– an interesting setting for my story
I can use adjectives to paint a clear picture in my reader’s head

This week, Primary 3 arrived into our classroom to find that it has been destroyed. We checked the CCTV footage and found out that we’d had a visitor, a very large visitor…

We used drama techniques to explore what we thought the tyrannosaurus rex might have done next during its invasion of our school. We improvised how we thought the rest of our pupils would react to seeing a dinosaur, then we created a still image using our body language and facial expressions to portray our thoughts and feelings.

We used these ideas to help us to write a story about the dinosaur invasion, describing what the tyrannosaurus rex got up to in Mid Calder Primary and how we reacted. We included lots of adjectives to help us to paint a clear picture in our reader’s mind. Some of us definitely enjoyed describing the teachers getting eaten a little bit too much…

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