Category Archives: Nursery

Le Petit Monde visits Mid Calder

This week we were delighted to welcome Tania Czajka, a french puppeteer to the school. Tania has her own puppet company called Le Petit Monde. The ethos behind all Tania’s shows are to introduce and develop french in a fun and stimulating way. Prior to Tania’s visit we had been set a challenge to learn some french. Fortunately for us we had completed our homework task of learning all the words and songs for the show. The show ‘Lapin Wants to Meet Santa’ was based on a naughty rabbit looking for something to heat him up, until he came up with a chocolat chaud or hot chocolate. As Lapin was sleeping Santa appeared on the stage and talked to the children in french. Through the performance there were many opportunities for audience participation and interaction with the different puppets, which made the show very entertaining. A big thank you to Tania for coming to perform for us and help us develop languages in the school in a fun and engaging way.

Nursery Nativity

Today our Nursery performed the A-Z of Christmas for their parents and families. Thank you to our P6 buddy’s who narrated the performances, Ben who helped with sound, Grace and Leah who played the piano, the PSA and to everyone who came to support our pupils. We definitely have lots of creative confident individuals in our Nursery, well done!

Scottish Book Week in the Nursery

*I can explore and choose stories and other texts to watch, read and listen to, and can share my likes and dislikes.

Reading and the enjoyment of books is very important in the nursery and we have group story time every day. Different children choose the book for their group and tell the others why they chose it and what attracted them to the book. We discuss the author and illustrator and look at the picture to see if it can give us any clues about the story. After reading the book together the group talk about the characters and what they liked or didn’t like about the story. We also pay close attention to any rhyming words we might hear.

During free play time we read books to each other and sometimes the children like to be the teacher and read books to their class. The nursery love using books to help us learn and we enjoyed doing this during Scottish Book Week and every other week! Keeeeep reading!!

hannah-1 hannah-2 img_0217 img_0218 img_1923

PSA Christmas Fair 2016

A big thank you to everyone who showed up on Friday evening to support our school by attending our annual Christmas Fair. The PSA did a fantastic job of organising the event, and bringing the whole school community together for the festive season. It was lovely to see new members of the PSA, previous and current parents/carers, pupils past and present, members of the community and staff join together.

The fair raised the amazing total of £2,007.92! This will be added onto our Playground Fund, which brings it to the grand total of £8004.07. A big thank you to everyone who supported this event.

Mid Calder Reading Challenge

To celebrate Book Week Scotland,  MCPS were set a reading challenge- to take a photo of ourselves reading for pleasure in an unusual place. We were inundated with weird and wonderful pictures of some very unusual places, and it looks like everyone had lots of fun taking part in the challenge. A big well done to all those who tweeted us their photos, or brought them into school on paper or on their own device.


Even some of the staff got involved…

Reading Open Afternoon

As part of Scottish Book Week Primary 1 to 7 invited their family and relatives to teach them all about reading. Parents got to experience what a reading lesson is like in their child’s class and the range of activities and resources available. They were also given tips on how to support their child at home.

P4-5 leaflet: supporting-reading-at-home-

Tips for supporting reading in the early years at home.

Tips for supporting reading at primary stages at home.

What is Literacy in Curriculum for Excellence?

Reading book lists from the Scottish Trust.

The Nursery had a pop in and play event, allowing parent and relatives to see how their child learns through play in the Nursery.

Thank you to everyone who attended.

Scottish Book Week Reading Challenges: 21st-25th November 2016

Scottish Book Week: 21st-25th November 2016

Reading Challenge

To celebrate Scottish Book Week we are asking pupils to take a photo of themselves reading for pleasure in an usual place. To share your photo you can:

  • Tweet us your photo to @MidCalder_PS
  • P5-7 can take a photo into school on their own device (if they have signed their BYOD contract)
  • Take a copy of their photo into their class

These photos will be displayed in our new library area,


SumDog Reading Contest 

We are holding a SumDog Reading Challenge from 21st -24th November. There will be a P1-2, P3-4 and a P5-7 contest.

Your child can take part in this challenge at home or in school, and the winners will be announced at Assembly on 25th November.


Reading Open Afternoon

Parents and carers are invited to join us on Thursday 24th between 1:30-2:30pm to find out how we teach reading and how you can support reading at home.

The Nursery session will run from 10-11am for morning pupils and 1:30-2:30pm for afternoon pupils.

Celebration Assembly- Term 1

On Friday, we had our first Celebration Assembly of this session. Each class teacher nominated two people in their class to receive a Remarkable Reader award and a STEM Superstar award and their parents were invited along to the assembly.

We presented top scorer awards and celebrated the fact that Linhouse were our winning house last term.  Some of our pupils have also achieved their bronze and silver awards for their iAchieve level which tracks achievement inside and outside of school.

Well done to everyone who received an award!