Category Archives: Health & Wellbeing

P2/1 Internet Safety Day

As part of Internet Safety Day P2/1 explored 5 different questions:

  • How do we get on to the internet?
  • What can we do on the internet?
  • What passwords do we use?
  • Why is a password important?
  • How can we keep our passwords safe?

We explored the questions in group, and then made a poster. we presented our ideas to the rest of our class.

Cluster Sports Clubs

There are currently two sports clubs that are running at West Calder High School and are for primary aged pupils. Please see the information below:
Swimming lessons on Fridays at West Calder High School

Active Schools & Swim IT are running a swimming club for all pupils in P1-P7 every Friday at the West Calder High School Pool. The swimming lessons are aimed at non swimmers but all ages and abilities are welcome.

P1-P3: 13.15-13.45

P4-P7: 13.45-14.30

The lessons start on the 3rd February – 23rd June.

Please note that no lessons will run on the: 10th February, 31stMarch, 7th April, 14th April,  21st April & 30th June.

Each lesson will cost £2

If you would like to book a place for your child please contact Fiona Donald at Swim – IT on and 07833433956.

GRC Triathlon Club on Wednesdays at West Calder Primary School;

This community club delivers alternate training sessions with one week swimming and one week gym fitness with games. Its open to all pupils aged 8-16 and runs from 6-7.15pm and costs £2 per session. This club is already in action so if you would like to join please get in touch with Coach Robert Ovens on 07971417877 or visit for more information.

P4A Visit to Fork and Field

This week we have been fortunate enough to visit the ‘Fork and Field’ restaurant as part of our Field to Fork topic. We were able to learn and ask questions including; how the restaurant was developed, how the restaurant works and the responsibility of all the staff.  We had a practise at holding heavy meals and ordering food. It was fantastic to visit a local restaurant and it was a great way of learning in a real life context. Additionally we had a representative from Scottish Beef to educate us about healthy eating.

LI:We are developing our understanding of restaurants

Success Criteria

I am aware of the various job roles within a restaurant and why they are important.

I understand the different responsibilities of a waiter/waitress.

I can use the skills learned in an imaginary restaurant situation.

We have thoroughly enjoyed meeting people that work in the food industry  this week and look forward to making our own food and creating our own restaurants next week, with all the skills we have learned.

P4b’s Fantastic day of food!

P4b had a very exciting day yesterday learning all about food, restaurants and cooking. In the morning we went to visit the ‘Fork and Field’ Restaurant in Mid Calder, it was brilliant! We were given a tour around the restaurant, shown how orders are made and sent to the chef and we were also able to pretend we were waiters and waitresses serving food and drink to customers. It was a super experience and cant wait to tell everyone about all the information we found out.
In the afternoon, Jennifer Robertson from Quality Meat Scotland came into class to talk to us about the importance of local farms and meat. Jennifer also taught us how to prepare healthy beef fajitas, filled with homemade guacamole, lettuce, tomatoes and peppers, YUMMY!

P4b’s Pizza Party

As part of our ‘From Field to Fork’ IDL Context, this week, P4b visited Frankie and Benny’s Livingston Restaurant as we have been learning all about restaurants and how food as prepared. When we arrived we were given our own aprons and chef hats, which we could decorate. We were each given a piece of dough to stretch, twist and squeeze into any shape we liked and these were cooked by the Chef in the kitchen to create dough shapes, they were delicious!
After creating our dough sticks we began to make our pizza! We covered our pizza bases with tomato sauce, cheese and a various other toppings of our choice, it was so much fun!
We had an amazing time at Frankie and Benny’s and cant wait to go back!

P4a Health and Wellbeing

LI: We are learning to develop our skills in gymnastics.

SC: I can balance my weight on different body parts.

I can move with co-ordination and control.

I can change my speed and level.


This week we have started a new term developing our skills in gymnastics. We started looking at different shapes that we could make and safe ways to land. We focused on various ways to move across the beam and balancing pole. We really enjoyed using our bodies to carefully create balancing positions, with co-ordination and control. Well done P4!



West Calder High School

On Tuesday the primary 7 s went up to West Calder High School as part of the to  ‘Big Get Together’. Several other schools went to the event including all of our cluster schools and some S1’s, who previously came to Mid Calder, were also there. While we were there we got taught some social dances including The Dashing White Sergeant, The Virginia Reel and The Heel and Toe Polka. First we danced to traditional music which was quite easy then we changed to some modern music which was a bit confusing. We had a snack of crisps and a drink of juice as we were so exhausted after all our dancing. Afterwards we went back to the hall and  played a series of games which were corners ,best dancer,musical statues and the Macarena. We all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and we look forward to going up to high school for transition and seeing some of our other  old and new friends.

By Caitlin, Ayla  and Harry

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PSA Christmas Fair 2016

A big thank you to everyone who showed up on Friday evening to support our school by attending our annual Christmas Fair. The PSA did a fantastic job of organising the event, and bringing the whole school community together for the festive season. It was lovely to see new members of the PSA, previous and current parents/carers, pupils past and present, members of the community and staff join together.

The fair raised the amazing total of £2,007.92! This will be added onto our Playground Fund, which brings it to the grand total of £8004.07. A big thank you to everyone who supported this event.

Green Flag Renewal!

A big congratulations to everyone on the renewal of our Eco Green Flag, especially to Mrs George and last years Eco Junior Leadership Team.

We received the following feedback from Eco School Scotland:

 I am delighted to confirm that your school has successfully renewed Eco-Schools Green Flag Award status. This is an outstanding achievement, so please pass on our congratulations to everyone involved. Interim Assessment Report Well done to everyone at Mid Calder Primary for successfully renewing your Green Flag status. I enjoyed reading your application and was pleased to see that you had maintained steady progress since your last award, monitoring progress well and sharing your successes with the wider school community via the school blog. The members of the Eco Junior Leadership team have been working hard to keep the campus litter-free, reduce waste in school and encourage a range of Biodiversity to your outside space. In addition, you are to be warmly commended for your community litter picking activities and I am sure that you will enjoy exploring the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as part of your future Eco work.
