Todat pupils and staff joined together to have our annual Christmas Lunch. A big thanks to our House and Vice Captains who served lunch to P1-3! Although, in return, Mrs McKenzie and Miss Burton served them their lunch! Thank you to our dinner ladies and to everyone who made the lunch run so smoothly.
All posts by Miss Burton
Nursery Nativity
Today our Nursery performed the A-Z of Christmas for their parents and families. Thank you to our P6 buddy’s who narrated the performances, Ben who helped with sound, Grace and Leah who played the piano, the PSA and to everyone who came to support our pupils. We definitely have lots of creative confident individuals in our Nursery, well done!
Mid Calder Torch Light Procession
PSA Christmas Fair 2016
A big thank you to everyone who showed up on Friday evening to support our school by attending our annual Christmas Fair. The PSA did a fantastic job of organising the event, and bringing the whole school community together for the festive season. It was lovely to see new members of the PSA, previous and current parents/carers, pupils past and present, members of the community and staff join together.
The fair raised the amazing total of £2,007.92! This will be added onto our Playground Fund, which brings it to the grand total of £8004.07. A big thank you to everyone who supported this event.
Advent Assembly
Today Rev. Povey joined us to celebrate the start of advent.
Christmas Jumper Day for Jak’s Den
Today we wore our Christmas jumpers and brought in a donation for Jak’s Den. The Nursery to P7 raised £198.19 for Jak’s Den. Well done everyone!
Alice: The Musical
Tonight and yesterday afternoon Primary 6 and 7 showcased their creative talents through Alice: The Musical! This term, the pupils through their interdisciplinary learning context of Alice invested setting and characters, looked at imagery, wrote their own scripts, compared and contrasts different versions of Alice and watched Alice Through the Looking Glass as part of the Into Film Festival.
They brought together all their musical, dramatic and artistic skills to put together a performance of Alice. A big well done to all our Primary 6 and 7 pupils who all contributed to the show in different ways, and a big thank you to our upper school staff. Thanks to the PSA who provided refreshments at the concert and to Williamston Primary for lending us their costumes. Thanks to everyone who made it along to the performance to support the children.
West Lothian Facebook link:Â
Mr Anderson very kindly recorded our performance which is available on the West Lothian video channel.
Green Flag Renewal!
A big congratulations to everyone on the renewal of our Eco Green Flag, especially to Mrs George and last years Eco Junior Leadership Team.
We received the following feedback from Eco School Scotland:
 I am delighted to confirm that your school has successfully renewed Eco-Schools Green Flag Award status. This is an outstanding achievement, so please pass on our congratulations to everyone involved. Interim Assessment Report Well done to everyone at Mid Calder Primary for successfully renewing your Green Flag status. I enjoyed reading your application and was pleased to see that you had maintained steady progress since your last award, monitoring progress well and sharing your successes with the wider school community via the school blog. The members of the Eco Junior Leadership team have been working hard to keep the campus litter-free, reduce waste in school and encourage a range of Biodiversity to your outside space. In addition, you are to be warmly commended for your community litter picking activities and I am sure that you will enjoy exploring the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as part of your future Eco work.
Stars of the Future!
Miss Anderson, Miss Sherlow and MissBurton went along to Howden Park Centre on Saturday to watch some of our pupils perform in Cinderella. We really enjoyed the show, well done girls, what a fantastic achievement!