Primary 5 News

It’s Friday again and we’re reflecting our week and what we have been learning. Please read below to see what has been going on in P5 this week.

  • Daniel – we were working on a code breaker in Music – everyone had a different code to crack!
  • Amelia S – P3/4 class assembly this morning which was really good.
  • Anna – we decorated our classroom door for World Book Day – since we have read the World’s Worst Children we have used this to decorate our door!
  • Leannah – we started making Viking helmets out of paper mache.
  • Leona – we were doing improper fractions in maths.
  • Katie – we learned a new music song with Miss Dunnigan – it’s called Pass the Beat Around.
  • Cameron – in PE we were doing tennis.
  • Danny – we did a tennis challenge to keep the ball balanced on it.
  • Anna – we also worked on our serves for tennis.
  • Junior – Cameron and Kerry received certificates from our swimming assessments. Well done!
  • Amelia S – we did Time with Miss Dunnigan in maths.
  • Esau – we finished off our leaflets in writing making sure we met out success criteria. We will peer assess these next week.
  • Anna – everyone who wore uniform received 2 house points for each day we wore it. 10 house points wer up for grabs!
  • Katie – for grammar with week we were looking at using there, their and they’re to make sure we know which one we should use.
  • Danny – Mr Hunter spoke to us about the Momo challenge and how to keep ourselves safe online. Then we found out it is fake news and is not real.
  • Kerry – we finished off our characters for our book door – we all created our own World’s Worst Child with our heads for our classroom door.
  • Abby – it’s my birthday on Sunday.

Next week is World Book week and pupils were given a letter to bring home with all the activities the school is doing for this. Thursday is when the Book Fair will be on for children to buy a book – if you would like them to buy book, please ensure they have money on Thursday. We are dressing up on Friday – either as a character from a book or wear our pyjamas to school. We are having ‘Big Booky Breakfast’ because ‘books aren’t just for bedtime’.

Here’s a few pictures from our paper mache helmets. We will hopefully get start painting them next week.


Have a good week!

P5, Mrs Rankin & Miss Dunnigan

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