Primary 5 Weekly News

World Book Day activities have kept us busy this week along with our usual curriculum. This week was also Miss Dunnigan’s last week with us until 1st April when she returns for anther 5 week block in our class. Please read on to hear what we have been doing.

  • Maths – we continued on with Fractions with Mrs Rankin looking at improper and mixed number fractions. Miss Dunnigan finished off her Time sessions with us.
  • Literacy – this week we were looking at WOW words for out Thinking Reader tool kit. For grammar we were looking at using did and done
  • Cartoonist – we had a visit from Neil Slorance on Tuesday who is a cartoonist who drew some Dr Who comics. He came int to give P5 & P6 some advice on drawing characters and creating cartoons. We all really enjoyed it. Mrs Rankin let us create a character and draw our own comic strips on Thursday – some of these are really good!
  • World Book Day Activities – We have had a whole load of different tasks relating to World Book Day this week. We have had a Book Treasure Hunt out in the playground, we had the visit from Neil Slorance, we had to complete a story which had been started for us about Miss Wallace, we had to write or draw about a favourite book we have read, we all received our World Book Day books on Thursday, we had snack and read for parents to come along, we had a whole school snack and read today in the gym hall where we got to see everyone in their PJs or costumes – it really has been such a busy week!
  • Visitors – we had a group of Algerian head teachers visit Letham on Thursday and they popped into our class to see what we were doing. They were asking us questions about our learning and we made them feel welcome.

Here are a few pictures from this week.

Homework was passed out on Tuesday for the P5 Shoe Box Challenge. This is for everyone to give a talk to the class about themselves and their interests – this should only last 2-3 minutes. Items don’t need to be in shoe box if you don’t have one and all items will be brought home once they have completed their talks. I hope to do these w/c 25th Mar & w/c 1st Apr. Please see the details they should have brought home.

Next week is Science week so there will be some great things going on!

Have a nice weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

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