Category Archives: Primary 6

Play Maker Award

Mrs Gray and a group of  enterprising Primary 7’s  (Emma, Jessica, Jemma, Alex, Cameron, Aaron and Corey)  are working together to achieve the Play Maker Award.  Along with support from last years successful Play Makers, Shola and Cayden (P6), the group provides a great introduction to leadership; giving learners knowledge of how to organise small games and activities that can be used during curricular and extra-curricular times, lunchtimes, breaks, as well as in sports clubs outside school hours.  The Play Maker Award aims to help learners develop leadership skills such as organisation, communication and teamwork, as well as helping to build confidence and self-esteem as they take on the responsibility of assisting in leading their peers and younger children.  Mrs Gray is looking forward to working with the team and getting them involved in her very successful football after school clubs.

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P6 Renewable Energy

We are learning about renewable energy and what types there are. Here are a few examples: wind, solar and hydro. Hydro energy uses water wheels to make electricity, wind energy uses wind turbines and solar energy uses solar panels.

There are some energy sources that are non-renewable such as oil and coal.

By Tony and Mac


Time Masterclass

In the Support for Learning classroom we were looking at telling the time.  Children were revising using o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past.  We also had a look at five minute intervals.  We did lots of active learning, such as making our own telling the time clocks, playing ‘what time is it?’ bingo and playing some fun interactive time games on the SMART board.