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Books for our partner school in Nepal

At Letham, we have been developing our reading in lots of ways such as enjoying snack and read, taking part in an extreme reading photo event and participating in the First Minister’s reading challenge.  We wanted to support our school in Nepal to further develop their reading too and were recently able to send some books to them.

The books have finally arrived and the  pupils have loved looking through the new books.   We are looking forward to finding ways to develop our reading skills together.

First few days in Kathmandu

Meeting the holy men and the cremation temple
Meeting the holy men at the cremation temple
Monkey temple
Monkey temple

After a long flight we finally arrived in Kathmandu.  The flight in was amazing with views over the Himalayas.   We’ve had a busy couple of days sightseeing and wandering around before we go to meet the school.  It really is an amazing place, everything is so different and there is still a lot of rebuilding from the earthquake.  The first difference we discovered about our education is that Nepali schools are in on a Saturday! The old town

View of the himalayas
View of the himalayas


P6 Renewable Energy

We are learning about renewable energy and what types there are. Here are a few examples: wind, solar and hydro. Hydro energy uses water wheels to make electricity, wind energy uses wind turbines and solar energy uses solar panels.

There are some energy sources that are non-renewable such as oil and coal.

By Tony and Mac


P7 Trip to Sky Sports

Not too long ago primary seven went on a school trip to Sky Sports. We did a variety of different sport activities and we also got to meet some athletes that took part in the Olympics. They gave us some inspiration to help us in the future. We did rugby, gymnastics and some fun activities!

By Gabrielle


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P5 Futsal

In p5 we have just stared learning how to play futsal.

We have stared by playing lots of games.

If you don’t know futsal is a bit like football but with a harder ball and it is played on a smaller indoor pitch. We are looking forward to playing more.

By Morgan
