Primary 5 Weekly News

We have had a shorter week after our half-term holiday last weekend but still managed to fit in a lot of learning! Please read on to hear what has been happening in P5.

  • Abby – In maths with Mrs Rankin we were using Plickers to see how much we had remembered about fractions.
  • Madison – we had music with Miss Dunnigan on Thursday afternoon.
  • Amelia S – in music we were playing the drums again keeping the beat.
  • Esau/Leona – we were creating our own leaflets in writing this week. We were researching and planning how we want out leaflet to look.
  • Amelia B/Junior – we had PE with Miss Dunnigan and we continued with tennis and learning about the forehand and backhand passes.
  • Blair – also during tennis we were learning to throw and hit the ball.
  • Daniel – in maths with Miss Dunnigan we continued with Time.

Just a few reminders for everyone:

  • PE kits are required on our PE days which are a Monday and Thursday – some pupils keep these in class and some bring them in on PE days which is great. However as a class, we are down to single figures for PE kits.
  • Gym shoes/trainers are also required on PE days. This is for everyone’s safety in the gym hall. If pupils are not wearing suitable clothing/footwear, they may be asked to sit out of these lessons.
  • Fridays – full uniform should be worn on a Friday unless the school advises of a dress down day or other dress code for special days e.g. World Book Day.
  • Our next non-uniform day will be Friday 8th March – dress in your pyjamas or as a book character.

Thank you for supporting the Letham Way.

Have a nice weekend.

P5 & Mrs Rankin

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