Primary 5 Weekly News

Here we are at half-term and looking forward to our long weekend. We have had a good week with our focus on Scotland Loves Languages and having some parents visit us on Thursday afternoon to see what we have been doing. Read on to hear what else we have been up to in class.

  • Junior/Daniel – we did music with Miss Dunnigan this week – we were learning about beats and rhythm and created our own rhythms for a partner to copy.
  • Gordon – we were doing using our fraction knowledge for a Valentine code cracker in maths.
  • Cameron – on Newsround this week we were hearing about a boy who might end up growing up to be the new Usain Bolt.
  • Abby – we found out in assembly that the new STEM Ambassador is Kacey in P7.
  • Esau – Mrs Zohoorian had us using the laptops to research prosthetic legs (running blades).
  • Amelia B – we had PE with Miss Dunnigan. We have started a block of Tennis with her.
  • Mia – it was Scotland Loves Languages week this week. We were greeting everyone in Lithuanian saying “Labas” each morning which means hello.
  • Danny/Kerry – we have started looking at Time in maths with Miss Dunnigan.
  • Amelia S – Parents came into class on Thursday afternoon to see what we had been learning about for Scotland Loves Languages week. We have a few parents join us.
  • Lucas – for Thinking Reader this week we were looking at summarizing and we were summarizing some of our reading, a poem and a short cartoon.
  • Junior – Danny was teaching us some Lithuanian this week after we greeted one another in his language.

We are on holiday on Monday and Tuesday so everyone is back on Wednesday next week.

Have a lovely extra long weekend!

P5 & Mrs Rankin

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