The Kirkhill Chatter

Kirkhill Nursery and Primary School, Rashierig, Broxburn, West Lothian, EH52 6AW

April 21, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Construction challenge

Thank you for sending in some fabulous pictures of the kids Construction Challenge  creations.

I would love to see some more but here are a couple I’d love to share with you. I’m so impressed  with all the great work P3, keep it up.


Both boats floating and we even have passengers !




April 21, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning Activities

Morning everyone,

I hope you are all well and ready to take a look at today’s activities. I have posted the link to Joe Wicks- The Body Coach. He is live at 9 am every morning from his living room doing a workout. You can choose from a number of workouts or do the daily workout. Let me know how you get on?

early-years-grid-11 P3-Tuesday-21st April

Have fun and enjoy.

April 21, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – 21st April

Good morning,

I have attached today’s learning grid below! The challenge for today is to create a board game that includes having to count to play the game. This doesn’t have to be completed today but can be an ongoing mini project! You can use different materials to make or draw on paper. I would love to see what everyone has thought of!

Have fun,

Miss D 🙂

day 2

April 21, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

P3/2 – Tuesday 21st April

Good morning P3/2.

It was lovely to hear from some of you yesterday about your holidays and I could see lots of you logging in to active learn to read your new books and play some games.

Your grid for today is below.  We are going to try some music today using body percussion.  If you have a go perhaps you could ask an adult to upload a picture or short video to your learner journal to show me how you did.  I am going to be uploading some of your work to the learner journals this week so look out for that update.

Tuesday 21st April

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Mrs Clayton

April 21, 2020
by Miss Brown

Primary 2/1 – 21.4.20 :)

Hi all,

I hope you all enjoyed being back yesterday.

I heard lovely things about how you have been getting on and some lovely pictures of what you have been doing and how hard you have been working.  I am very proud of all of you.

Here is your learning grid.

p2-1 continuation of learning-early years 21.4.20

Miss Brown really loves the gym video today, i wonder if any of you can guess why??  I am very excited and i am going to do it myself which i have  every week.

Remember i am here so if you need anything or want to tell me about your learning you can comment on here or email the school office.

Miss Brown 🙂

April 20, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Construction Challenge

Just received some great photos via the school email in response to today’s construction challenge, which was to create a boat out of materials lying about the house and see if it will float.

Well Done Poppie and thanks for the photos, Great boat, it floats!

April 20, 2020
by Mrs McDonnell

P3 Learning activities

Welcome back P3. I hope you enjoyed your break from school, even if it was very different from what you usually do in the holidays. Murrin and I enjoyed organising the garden and we even made a few planters from some recycled material we had lying about the house.

Here is your new learning grid for today. If anyone has any problems or if you want to share your work, please do so by commenting on the Blog or you can contact me through the school email address.

early-years-grid-10-P3-Monday-20th April

Here is a guide to help you log in to the sites we are using

Logging in to the websites guide 1


April 20, 2020
by Mrs Clayton

Login reminder and reading book information

Below is a link to the document on hoe to log in the various websites that your teachers are using in case anyone needs a reminder after the holidays.

Logging in to the websites

Some classes will be using different reading books this term that can be accessed from your active learn account.  Here is a guide on how to access the reading books and get the most out of them.

Bug Club books

We hope these will help but if you have any questions then please reply to this post, message your class teacher on their class post or email the school office and we will help as much as we can.

Mrs Clayton

April 20, 2020
by Miss Duncan

Primary 1 – 20th April

Good morning P1,

I hope you all have had a fab Easter break and are ready to get stuck into some more learning! I have missed everyone over the holidays and I hope you are all safe and well!

I have attached today’s learning grid below! I’ve been looking at a new resource called BookBug which you can access via your active learn login. It’s all new to me as well at the moment so I have allocted everyone a book! Please let me know if you have not been allocated one of the books I’ve written on the learning grid! I have also set a numeracy challenge on SumDog which I would like everyone to have a go at!

If you would like to send me a picture of your Easter holidays writing or picture, feel free to comment with it on this blog, I really miss seeing everyone’s fabby work!

Here’s to another great term of learning P1,

Miss D 🙂

day 1

P.s. here a link to one of our favourite number songs, have a go at counting to 100 by 1!!!

Let’s get fit, have some fun, count to 100 by 1!

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