Harrysmuir Primary Home Learning Hub

June 8, 2020
by User deactivated

P2/1 & P1 Monday 8th June 2020 😊

Hello everyone, 😃

We hope you all had a lovely weekend. Here are a few activities and worksheets for you to try out this week.


This week you can revise the “th” sound and missing middle sounds. These worksheets can be printed or you can copy the words and pictures into your jotter.



e or i missing middle sounds worksheet

Challenge Cards:

Writing And Mark Making

LISTENING & TALKING 🗨👩🏻🧑🏻👦🏻🧒🏻👱🏻‍♂️👱🏻‍♀️🗨

Take some time out to sit down and have a lovely conversation with someone in your family.  It’s good to talk!

Conversation Cards


Look all around your house or when you are out for a walk to see how many different shapes you can find.


Start with the easy one (up to 10) then challenge yourself to see if you can complete addition to 30.

colour-by-number-addition-up to 10,20,30 worksheets

ART & DESIGN 🎨👘✂🖍👕

Do you have a favourite t-shirt?  We would love to see some of your lovely ideas for this activity!

t shirt-design

For the activity below you can use any scraps of paper you have lying around or just colour them in brightly. Or you could decorate them with an interesting pattern.


Look at the cards below and have a go at being creative!

Workshop Challenge Cards

HEALTH & WELLBEING 🌞🏃🏻‍♂️⛹🏻‍♀️⚽🤸🏻‍♂️

Have some fun outdoors (or inside) with your family. Have a look at the cards below to see if there is anything interesting you might want to try.

Outdoor Gross Motor Skills Area Challenge Cards

We hope you enjoy doing some of these activities this week!

Mrs Carr, Miss Suen and Mrs Meek 😊😊😊





June 8, 2020
by User deactivated

Health & Wellbeing for Week Beginning 8th June

Good morning P.2!

I hope you enjoyed last week’s healthy eating activity. This week We Are Learning To: identify a healthy meals and less healthy meals, and be able to explain why we think this.

Starter Activity: Play this interactive food group activity, which will remind you about all the different food groups – http://fss-eatwellguide.scot/

Main Activity: Have a look at the menu page (attached) and discuss the meals each person has chosen. Sort them into Healthy and Less Healthy, and discuss why you think this.

Menu Analysis

Have fun!

Mrs Black



June 8, 2020
by User deactivated

Groups 2, 3 & 4 Phonics for Week Beginning 8th June

Good Morning Phonics Pupils and Parents,

I hope you’ve all managed to settle into a pattern with the RWInc youtube lessons now – please do get in touch if you need help accessing any of these resources. This week we’re continuing in the same way, all details below.

All lessons are now available from 9.30am. Additional lessons now available for reading High Frequency Words (Red Words) – they have Read Red Word 1, Read Red Words 2, and Read Longer Words 3. There’s a broad range of challenge within these, so if you want additional phonics activities, start with Red Red Words 1 and if your child can read them all, progress onto the next set.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time & Spelling lessons. They haven’t published the schedule for June yet, but anything within Set 2 will be appropriate for your child. If you find the daily sound is one that your child is very confident, feel free to try the Set 3 Sounds and Spelling lesson for that day. All of these lessons are beneficial. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ

Optional Extras

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 1 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that lets your child practise the letter formation directly on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29318.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 1 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29096.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black

June 8, 2020
by User deactivated

Group 1 Phonics for Week Beginning 8th June

Morning Group 1 Phonics Pupils and Parents,

I hope you’ve all settled into a pattern with the RWInc YouTube lessons by now. This week we’ll continue with the same as in previous weeks – all details below. Please get in touch if you need any help accessing these resources.

1: Go to Ruth Miskin Training on youtube. Watch Set 1 Speed Sounds, Word Time & Spelling lessons. They haven’t published the schedule for June yet, but anything within Set 1 will be appropriate for your child.  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCo7fbLgY2oA_cFCIg9GdxtQ 

They’re also adding additional lessons in for reading High Frequency Words (Red Words). If you want an additional challenge, try the Read Red Words 1 lesson.

Optional Extras

2: Go to the Oxford Owl website (all children should have been given a login). Login first, then come back to this page and click this link.  Set 1 Speed Sounds book – this is an interactive book that lets your child practise the letter formation directly on the screen. https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29318.html

3: Staying on the Oxford Owl page, if you scroll down slightly from the Set 1 Speed Sounds, you’ll see individual Speed Sound practice sheets. Select the one that matches each days phonics video. If you have access to a printer, print off the relevant sheet. If you don’t, try and do something similar on a blank piece of paper, or in your child’s home learning jotter. https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/reading-schemes-oxford-levels/read-write-inc-phonics-guide/#set1

4: Practice the Speedy Green Words – https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/api/interactives/29096.html

Hopefully all the links work and you manage to access everything. Finally, there’s a lot of content here. Please don’t feel you have to do it all, just dip in and out of what you can, and what works around your family / work / life balance.

Mrs Black

June 7, 2020
by Miss Gorman

Primary 5th: Home Learning 8th June

Please ensure you use the supporting materials to help you, as well as having access to them here you can find them on Teams (P5 2019-20 > General channel > Files > Weekly Resources > 8th June).
Priority tasks should be uploaded into the appropriate Assignment.
Any additional work should be uploaded into your own ‘Personal Folder’ (P5 2019-20 > General channel > Files > Personal Folders).

This week’s home learning grid can be found here: 8th June Home Learning

Birds reading comprehension mild
Birds reading comprehension spicy
Birds reading comprehension hot

Writing: Imaginative
Due Friday 12th June

Begin to plan out the final/ending of your story. You can use a storyboard, mind map or any other planning tool you feel suits your needs. This should only be started once the middle section of your story is complete.
4 block storyboard plan PRINTABLE
6 block storyboard plan PRINTABLE
8 block storyboard plan PRINTABLE

If you wish, you may create illustrations to go with your story.

Writing: Instructions (Due Friday 12th June)
We’ve loved seeing the recipes so far! We’ve had healthy pizzas, best chicken ramen, vanilla cake & millionaire’s shortbread – yummy!
Use the Procedure Targets to help you.
We would like you to write a set of instructions detailing how to make a favourite recipe. This can be a recipe for a cake, smoothie, pie, salad… anything you like! Please remember to include a title (e.g. Amy’s Awesome American Pancakes or The Best Steak Pie!), a list of ingredients (including quantities e.g. 500g of flour), a list of equipment and feel free to include some photos of the process/end product!

Please submit these by Friday 12th June into your Personal Folder on Teams, by emailing it to your teacher, or handing it in to the school office.

You can find some inspiration by visiting and exploring our P5 Kitchen! Click on objects around the room to be taken to different websites. Feel free to use one of the recipe templates or create your own.
Recipe Template 1
Recipe Template 2

Choose one of the worksheets to complete. They range from ‘mild’ which is the easiest up to ‘extra hot’ which is the most difficult.
Telling the time to 5 minute intervals PowerPoint
https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/116/telling-the-time and

Mild Telling the Time to 5 minute intervals

Telling the time using after and before

Calculating Durations Hot

Extra Hot
Calculating Durations Extra Hot

Health & Wellbeing Resources*
Mindfulness Colouring Sheets
Recycling Quiz
Recycling Scavenger Hunt

 Additional Activities Resources
Science – Human Sundial Experiment and Online resource to support
Outdoor Learning – Make your own bird’s nest
Outdoor Learning – Garden bird detective or Garden birds sighting checklist

A Guide on how to use the different channels on teams can be here: P5 Teams Guide
Answers for last week’s Health & Wellbeing: Sustainability & Plastics can be found below:
Activity 2 Answers

June 6, 2020
by User deactivated

Edinburgh Castle

Saturday 5th June 2020

The other day I cycled to Edinburgh Castle …here is a photo that I took looking up at it from the Grassmarket.

It made me sad to think that none of us can visit the castle at the moment so I did a bit of googling and found that the clever people at Historic Environment Scotland have created a 3D model of our wonderful landmark. Click on the picture below to have a look around.

June 5, 2020
by User deactivated

Hello P1M 😃

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all still having lots of fun. 😊

I love Miss Suen’s daily Random Acts of Wildness and have been trying to do some of the activities too (apart from the find a creepy crawly one.)  I am a bit scared of most creepy crawlies!! 😨

Today while I was out for a walk in the woods behind my house I saw some butterflies 🦋🦋 and a Fairy Garden. The little Fairy has been very busy because when I passed it the first time she only had a toadstool house but if you look closely you can see she has been very busy collecting a lot of things! 🧚🏻‍♀️🌸🌺🐰

Thank you MMcK for sharing a lovely story about a baby alpaca called Rainbow. 🌈🦙

Thank you to LM for telling me all about his very exciting volcano experiment. 🧪⚗🌋


I hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Meek 😊

June 5, 2020
by Miss Suen

Random Act of Wildness🍃

Here are the random act of wildness for today 5th of June, Saturday 6th of June and Sunday 7th of June:

If it’s not too rainy and it’s safe for you to go outside, go ahead and try out one of these ! I’m surely going to to listen for wild sounds when i go for my walk later today.

A story for the weekend! It is about 2 animals 🦁🐭that lives in the wild.

The Lion Inside by Rachel Bright and Jim Field

Enjoy 🙂 Remember that it’s okay to be a bit scared but u can learn to be brave too!

June 5, 2020
by User deactivated

Drawing Hacks

Friday 5th June 2020

It’s time to channel our inner Van Gogh today and get creative.  Here are some fantastic art activities for you to try.  There are a few that I would be happy to have hanging on my living room wall!

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