Category Archives: Dedridge Primary


Hi everyone, hope you are all having a restful Easter break. For anyone who likes a challenge I have created a Spelling Competition on SUMDOG for all the children in Primary 3.  Please join in and have a try, the competition ends on the 30th April.  There will be a PRIZE!!!

Also please remember and check the TASKS button where you can slide the tab up and down to choose games using skills from different curriculum areas.  I have set up challenges for spelling patterns and multiplication tables which you have been learning at school. This will help you to consolidate skills taught.

Remember keep building up your coins. I have started to send gifts to some of the children and I was very pleased to have received  2 gifts of a table for my house. Thank you!

Hope anyone who was having a problem with accessing the House/Friend request section have managed to solve the issue. I was informed by one mum that it was accessible by smartphone but not on their laptop. Remember to request me as a friend my username is KK333023



Good Morning Primary 3 – Let’s Check In!

How are you all today?  I’m a HIGH 5 after receiving an email from Mr R  with  a completed challenge – Draw the United Kingdom and label the 4 different countries.  Wow! I was blown away by the quality of this work!

Thank you again to those children who left me a comment in blog comment box below.  If you want to invite me as a friend on Sumdog my name is KK3330223. All areas of SUMDOG are now open to play so have a try at the Spelling games – I really enjoy them.

Here are today’s challenges:



Good morning all.   I’m checking in as only a 2 today as I didn’t have a very good sleep. I hope to improve to at least a 4 as the day goes on.  Tonight I will go to bed a bit earlier as I know how important sleep is to my body


Please send me any work you have completed by taking a picture and sending it to the school office email or my own. It really cheers me up. I am missing you all and remember your teacher is always here for you.

Here are today’s challenges  – click on image to enlarge.


Here is the describing bubble to help you with your Adjective Challenge.


Good morning, today I am certainly a  5 as I am very excited about the launch of the  Dedridge Primary School App.  Let me know if your parents manage to download it onto their phone easily?

I don’t know how many of you will see my messages this week but I’m looking forward to finding out. We have to beat last week’s target of 4 people commenting.  So far we only have 1  – Thank you Leia – your a star!

If you want to invite me as a friend on SUMDOG my username is KK3330223.  SUMDOG has now opened up the spelling and reading games so also have a look at these today.

Here are today’s work challenges:


Good morning children, how was your weekend?  This is week 2 of learning from home. I know lots of people are keeping a diary, noting things they have done and more importantly how they are feeling. No-one in the United Kingdom has ever experienced the rules which are in place to keep us safe so your diary could become an important historical document.

Today I am a 3.  Let me know how are you feeling today? I do not know how many of you will see my messages this week but I’m looking forward to finding out. We have to beat last week’s target of 4 people commenting.  Thank you again to those children who left me a comment in blog comment box below.  If you want to invite me as a friend on Sumdog my name is KK3330223


This morning’s Literacy and Maths are as follows



Good Morning Primary 3 Lets Check In!

How are you feeling today? I am a 4 again today as I continue to connect with my class from home. So far I’ve said hello to 2 girls from my class and that makes me very happy but lets keep trying to hear from more of you.  Thank you to Miss L and Miss D it really did brighten up my day. Keep  Leaving comments in the blog comment box to let me know what you’ve been up to.

There’s been a lot of children logging in to SUMDOG.  At points during the day I have been opening up the house. However when I log in I don’t have any friends to play against  so here is my name for you to send a request to KK333023.

This morning’s challenges are as follows:-Click on the image to enlarge.

Why don’t you try Hit the Button game today, you can set the challenges yourself.


Good Morning Primary 3 Lets Check In!

How are you feeling today? I am a Great   today thanks to Miss D commenting on the blog. Thank you very much it really cheered me up !  I was also pleased to see a few of my class were busy on Sumdog,  Remember everyone, leave a comment in the blog comment box to let me know how you’re doing.

This morning’s challenges are as follows:-Click on the image to enlarge.

Why not log on at 11 o’clock every day  to listen to  David Walliams read one of his short stories.

Elevenses with The World of David Walliams

P3 Tuesday’s Home Challenge – 24/3/20

Good Morning Primary 3 Lets Check In!

How are you feeling today? I am a   today as I am trying something new… contacting you from home!  I do not know how many of you will see my message but I’m looking forward to finding out.  Leave a comment in the blog comment box to let me know how you’re doing.

This morning’s challenges are as follows:-Click on the image to enlarge.