As we are still transitioning through a period of change we are continuing to prioritise our families and personal mental wellness.
Mrs Hendry came across a beautiful poem in the book The Purrfect Pawse by Avril McDonald illustrated by Tatiana Minina. We would recommend cuddling up before bed listening to the poem and discussing some of the questions you can hear.
To listen to the poem, view other updates and activities please use the arrows below to navigate through the sway…
Hip Hip Hooray!
Although it was a very different Procession/Galaday we hope you all enjoyed it safely in the sunshine.
Thank you to everyone who sent in photos/videos please continue to do so. It is great to see and really makes the nursery ladies smile!
At Bathgate Early Yeas Center we are continually reviewing our practice and
procedures in order to provide the best care and support for your children.Each month we as a staff team review one of our procedures. In June , we’d like to invite you to review the “BEYC Promoting Positive Relationships” . We really value your feedback, so we’d be delighted if you could give us your comments or suggestions by sending an email to the following email address
Best Start Grant School Age Payment re-opens on Monday 1 June. This payment is part of Best Start Grant and is a £250 payment made around the time a child normally starts Primary 1 ie. Those transitioning from Early Years support, to help with the costs of a child starting school. This money can be used for anything that families may need at this key stage in a child’s life.
You do not need to take up a place in school to get this. When to apply for School Age Payment depends on when your child was born. Applications will open on 1 June 2020 until 28 February 2021 for children who were born between 1 March 2015 and 29 February 2016
Please click on Fact Sheet links below for more information on how to apply.
As the date of Bathgate Procession approaches we are of course saddened that we won’t be celebrating as we would normally.
We have decided that of course we can still support and join in with this wonderful community event.
Our theme for 2020 was BEYC Superheroes. How fitting was our choice as our children, Families, NHS staff and all key workers have truly shown as real life superhero’s while faced with this challenging time.
On Saturday the 6th of June the staff will be sharing photos and videos dressed up and celebrating as BEYC Stay at Home Superheroes we would LOVE for you all to join us. Please share your photos of you and your children in their chosen superhero costumes we will pop them all together in a video so your children can see their friends dressed up too, feel free to get creative. Can you use any recycled materials when making your costume? Mrs Mckay will be delighted to see you all in costumes.
Please also have a look at the Bathgate Procession website below to see ways you can still join in with this Bathgate community celebration safely from your home/garden.
During this uncertain time it is important that you take steps to ensure you and your families mental health is a top priority. Staff at BEYC have collected together some resources, activities and videos to create a point of reference if you are looking for help.
Please don’t forget that even though our setting is closed we are also here in person if you need a wee chat or some support. Please contact Miss Kelly and Mrs Ola with your mobile number and we will contact you back asap or
Please use the arrows below to navigate through the sway.
Harry loves to listen to the story of ” The Very Hungry Caterpillar.” One of his favorite passage is when caterpillar eats delicious fruit, delicious apples, pears, plums , strawberries and oranges ……
Yum Yum thought Harry, he loves fruit so much that he decided that he would also be like a caterpillar and will make delicious fruit smoothies. Harry prepared his own ” The Very Hungry Caterpillar” fruit smoothie recipe. He used ingredients such like : 1 yellow banana, 2 juicy big red apples , 3 small ice cubes , 4 red yummy strawberries and 1 glass of orange juice. Carefully chopped all the fruits, put them in a blender, then added orange juice and ……… blend everything together.
Harry and Miss Collins enjoyed the smoothie with 3 small ice cubes . Yummy Yummy in my tummy ; said Miss Collins and Harry.
Try at home challenge for all of you 🙂
So you too can be like a Hungry Caterpillar and like Harry make your own smoothie or snack, using your own recipe. You can tell us what ingredients you used, how much you used, whether they were big or small, where hard or soft, what shape they were etc.
Please share your smoothies or snack with your nursery friends by sending us photos, videos.
Good luck everyone 🙂
And here is a special song for you all 🙂
After Harry and Miss Collins spotted some tiny caterpillars in their garden they were inspired to share some learning opportunities with you all. Please use the arrows below to view Miss collins reading the very hungry caterpillar and see how you can get involved.
We would love to see some photos and videos of your child taking part, please upload to twitter @WLBEYC or your child’s online LJ.