Big Bed Time Read Launch

Yesterday we had a fantastic Pyjama day launching our Big Bed Time read, after the Pre-school children picked their books pack we celebrated with hot chocolate & cookies while listening to some of our favourtie stories read by Miss Toner.

Book packs will go home with Pre School children each Wednesday and to be returned every Monday. 

Happy Reading! 

Fire Pit Vegetable Pizza

After reading ‘Olivers Vegetables’ we discussed what we could make if we had lots of fresh vegetables. We are very lucky to have such a fabulous orchard so we already knew where some of the vegetables came from just like in Olivers grandpa’s garden. We decided on vegetable pizza and vegetable (carrot) soup. Please see floor book in nursery for more comments.
Instead of buying pizzas we put our fire pit to good use. After preparing selecting our toppings we used the heat from the flames to melt the cheese toppings. Margaret and Miss Kelly used our safety fire booklet and explained to us how to keep ourselves and each other safe by being responsible around the fire.
We each took turns carefully placing our pizza on the grill and watched closely to see the cheese begin to melt.
At Bathgate Early Years Centre we promote experiences with a risk benefit, ’embrace risk in a positive sense rather than limiting valuable experience’
All activities are risk assessed prior to being carried out, a task we complete alongside the children. We believe this is a valuable lesson for every child as this provides the early skills and abilities for a child to risk asses their own play and challenges throughout life.
Have any ideas of what else we could cook on our fire pit? Please comment below or tweet any suggestion to @wlbeyc
Please have a look at our video below:

Introducing Clay



Please have a look at our Sway Link above.  Sway is an online Microsoft presentation programme.  Tap/click on the right arrow to scroll through the presentation and view the photos and videos.  When you see a ‘stack’ of photos, tap/click on each photo to flick through the stack
When you see a ‘Video’ tap/click the play button

Online Learning Journals

We are very pleased to have started the process of moving to Online Learning Journals, hopefully you have been able to create your own account and password to access your child’s profile.
If not please ask for another permission form asap to return to nursery to allow Miss Kelly to set your details and create the profile.

We are hoping to hold an AM & PM workshop to support parents access their child’s journals after the September holiday please check back for a date.

You will be able to view an entry for Literacy, Numeracy, Motivating and Challenging Contexts and Health and Wellbeing, over a course of a term. The observation entry will ping into your email account which will then provide you with a link to view your child’s profile.
In the mean time we would love to see some entries from home, this can be completed through the ‘Learning from home’ tab on the left hand side. The children can then share this with their peers using the Promethean Panel at group time.


We would love to see your family pets/or child’s favourite toy animals please tweet us your photos to share with the nursery @wlbeyc or email them to


Please have a look at our Sway above.  Sway is an online Microsoft presentation programme.  Tap/click on the right arrow to scroll through the presentation and view the photos and videos.  When you see a ‘stack’ of photos, tap/click on each photo to flick through the stack

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