We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.
Fairtrade Fortnight
Bathgate Early Years Centre had a very busy Fairtrade Fortnight. We would like to thank everyone who has taken part over the two weeks. Wraparound boys and girls took a trip to Scotmid and Freddie and Alfie also took a trip to Morrisons to pick kindly donated goodies for our raffle. The raffle raised a fabulous £72.75 which will be sent to Comic Relief along with money raised on Wednesday 22nd March for our Crazy Hair day. Thank you to Morrisions, Tesco and Scotmid for your donations.
Please look out for the red noses which will be on sale in the foyer!
The children have also been on the look out for the Fairtrade logo on empty packaging to bring to nursery. We have put the packaging to good use by following Ethan and Christie’s great idea to make a Fairtrade and watermelon shop in nursery.
Kyla “I saw a Fairtrade on a kit kat at my granny’s house.”
Rogan “I saw Fairtrade on chocolate.”
Violet”This is Fairtrade, mummy got it for her birthday.”(maltesers) “I got a Fairtrade kit kat from gran.”
Freddie “Look Fairtrade. My daddy gave me this.”(maltesers)
Aidan “I found Fairtrade on ice cream and on Nanny’s bananas.”
Diarmid”I got these for Fairtrade (maltesers) and I got them from swimming.”
Lucas “I got this from Morrisons. Hot chocolate. Look Fairtrade!”
James “I got this from Lidl and it’s Fairtrade.”
Christie “I got the Fairtrade flowers in Aldi.”
Alfie”The farmers get money if they make Fairtrade food. Money for clothes and houses.”
Emily R “It’s Fairtrade.”(chocolate)
Katie “It’s Fairtrade sweeties.”
Freddie “Fairtrade means the farmer gets more money so it’s fair. They use it to buy things”
Exciting Writing
The Smatboard has been very popular this week in nursery and has encouraged lots of children to practice their writing. Can you see why? There is a special piece of digital technology connected to the Smartboard called an ‘Easi-View Primary Visualiser’, which works a little like a projector. The visualiser has many features but this week we are using it to capture live video (of the children writing on whiteboards with marker pens) projected onto the Smartboard.
“The Smartboard shows you what you are writing and it’s really big.” Kyla, 4 years old.
We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.
Fairtrade Fortnight
Fairtrade Fortnight takes place from 27th February-12th March 2017. We have been talking about this in nursery and how farmers around the world deserve a fair price for the hard work they do and that Fairtrade products help ensure this happens. This will mean the farmers and their children won’t go hungry, can go to school, can pay for medical care if needed and also have better living conditions. We have started to look out for the Fairtrade logo on our products at snack and baking as well as at the art and craft area. If you are out and about shopping and buy a Fairtrade product please bring in 1 wrapper/package with a note where you bought it to help add to our Fairtrade nursery activities. (eg.coffee, tea, bananas, chocolate, bubble bath.) Please also look out for our Fairtrade raffle on Wednesday 8th March! (supported by Scotmid,Tesco and Morrisons) Proceeds from this raffle will go to Comic Relief. If you wish, please bring your child to nursery with a different hair do on Wednesday 22nd March for Comic Relief when we also be selling red noses. Thank you for your support.
We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.
Digital art
Have you wondered what we used all our ‘treasures’ that we collected from our outings to Beecraigs Country Park for? After lots of exploratory play with them in nursery we took all the natural resources outside to make pictures with them on the ground. Just like the artist Andy Goldsworthy, we used our natural resources as material to create pieces of art. We used iPads to look on the internet to find out how Andy Goldsworthy uses nature to create his exhibitions. We saved our favorite pieces of his work to the camera roll and used them to help us plan our own natural art.
We then photographed our pieces of work just like he does on the iPads. Our next steps are to share our photographs with our friends and discuss our ideas.
Do you like our giant? We worked together as a team, shared our ideas and designed our giant together.
Puppet Show Performances at BEYC.
Following on from children’s home interests we have been exploring the puppet theater in nursery and have encouraged children to bring in their puppets from home. We then introduced the story making Ipad for the children to record their puppet show performances. The children assigned roles of directors, actors and film crew and then helped Miss Kelly to edit the videos. We deleted unwanted footage of our shoes and the floor and kept content we agreed was interesting and funny.
Please can you help us by donating some long socks so we can make our own sock puppets next week?
Here is a little clip of some of our puppet shows from this week.
We are learning to think about what the characters say and do and think of a beginning and middle and an end for our puppet shows.
We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us
Exciting Writing…
Please come into nursery to have a look at our graphics area display. The children have been practicing their name and environmental print writing. We even had some fantastic ‘bubble writing’. Some children attempted the challenge of copying the Chinese symbols to celebrate Chinese New Year.
We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.
Nursery visit to Beecraigs Country Park
We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.
Stick Man and BEYC
The AM Red Group have been very interested in the Stick Man story by Julia Donaldson. Please have a look at our learning story red-group-stick-man to find out what we have been doing. You might see some stick people puppet show videos next time you visit our Blog!
We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.
Ongoing seasonal changes in our garden – Snow Update
We would like to share our learning near and far and encourage readers to come to our blog. Please don’t share pictures and videos from our blog but instead share a link to our blog and bring your friends and family to us.