Learning Stories

Please remember you can come into nursery to have a look at what the children are learning and how we are supporting their interests.  The New Life topic continues to be very popular, now focusing more on the life cycle of butterflies and plants.  If you are able to help further the children’s learning by sharing your knowledge please speak to any of the staff.  Remember we welcome pieces of work/photographs from home too and will add this to our learning stories.  You can also email information to Miss Wilkinson at eva.wilkinson@westlothian.org.uk




New Life Learning Story, Frogs.

We still have not spotted any tadpoles in the pond as yet.  Come into nursery and have a look at our Learning Stories to find out what we have observed……


Please have a look at the clips we have been playing on the Smartboard in nursery to support learning at home.

Please remember to supervise children when looking at online clips.  For more information on keeping children safe online see Think U Know  and Net Aware .


Good bye Spring Chicks

This week we said goodbye to our 6 little spring chicks John, Margo, Laura (named after our extremely helpful colleagues at West Lothian ICT Development Team who helped us to set up our web link via Glow), Patrick (hatching on St. Patricks Day) and Anna and Elsa (who can guess where their names came from?)   They have grown very quickly and are now too big for the box and need lots of space to play and run around in, so have gone back to the farm in Dechmont, where they came from as eggs.    This has been a fantastic learning experience for everyone at Bathgate Early Years Centre and also everyone who logged into Glow and joined us in our very own ‘Chick Cam’ meeting space.    We plan to continue to extend our learning about the life cycle of a chicken after the Easter break and also the life cycle of other creatures…

Who has spotted the very small baby snails in the snail tank?


HWB0 50a




Eco Schools National Spring Clean 2016

Children and staff at Bathgate Early Years Centre took part in National Spring Clean 2016 on Tuesday this week in conjunction with West Lothian Council and Keep Scotland Beautiful. The Environmental Wardens team (West Lothian) provided child sized litter picks and bags and as came back to take away all of the rubbish we collected afterwards.   As part of their ongoing Eco Schools work, the children have been learning about caring for and helping the environment by putting their litter in the bin and also the importance of recycling litter. Well done everyone, the garden looks fantastic.

Rag Bag Recycling.

Thank you for all your recent donations of wearable clothing, paired shoes, handbags and belts for The Rag Bag Recycling Scheme and reinforcing the message that we use in nursery with the children; Reduce, reuse, recycle!

The Rag Bag Recycling Scheme was developed to raise awareness of Textile Recycling, help the environment and raise funds for schools.
Thank you for your support.

HWB 0-12a   HWB 0-13a

Farmer Visit

The morning children were very excited to have a farmer visit nursery as part of our continued learning in Harvest time and the journey produce makes from ‘farm to fork’.  We all gathered around the farm yard area over the morning session to meet the Farmer (Finaly’s Dad) and had lots of questions ready to ask him to further develop our learning.  The children  learned about what animals he had on his farm and were amazed that there were 180 cows “now that’s a lot of milk!”  Please look on our planning wall in nursery at our ‘Harvest Learning Story’ to find out more.

HWB 0-35a  SOC 0-16a




If you would like to know more about what we are learning about Harvest, please click on this link to our learning story…..


Harvest Learning Story

Harvest art work inspired by orchard produce.

We have been very busy using the produce from our orchard to create seasonal artwork this week. On Monday we  explored the different colours and textures of the plants and fruit and vegetables in our garden to decide what we could use for art and craft materials.  We liked the feel of the sticks and the bright colours and smell of the petals.   When we were digging up the potatoes to be used for potato wedges at snack and harvesting the apples to bake in pies and crumbles, we decided bring some of fruit and veg to our art areas to try printing with them, painting with them and using them as colage materials..   Please have a look at our finished pieces of work at the front entrance.

HWB 0-19a  HWB 0-35a   LIT 0-21b    EXA 0-02a  EXA 0-05a


Van Gogh Sunflowers.

The children were very interested in looking at the sunflowers that were growing in the garden and then on display in a vase in the nursery playroom recently.  We then moved the vase of sunflowers to the indoor and outdoor art areas where children chose to use them as a visual aid for painting and creating mixed media representations of sunflowers. Children also studied pictures of Van Gogh’ Sunflowers artwork  to learn more about the technique and the work of artists.


LIT 0-09a    LIT 0-21b   EXA 0-02a  EXA 0-05a   EXA 0-07a

Summer Fete and Miniature Garden Competition.

Everyone at Bathgate Early Years Centre celebrated School Grounds Week with their annual Garden Fete on Tuesday 23rd June.

The sun shone and the event was enjoyed by many children, families and friends.

Matthew Ennis and Maya Dubla won the Miniature Garden Competition with their imaginative and colourful designs.

Mrs Lynch, Headteacher thanked all children, staff and families for their support of the event and continued success of the centre throughout the year.

EXA 0-02a  EXA 0-04a

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