Connecting with our minds and bodies is often easier said than done, when we are busy our mind can wander instead of focusing on what is all around us and the present moment. Over the next few weeks try focusing on the statments below asking your child the following questions if you are out for your walk or in your garden or street. (Staying within Government guidlines)
This may support your child’s emotional health and wellbeing during this period of change.
When we go for a mindful walk we really try to notice every little detail around us – trees, cars, flowers, clouds and the how our bodies feel at that moment.
Feel your feet on the ground and notice how you walk, heels lifting up and toes pressing down.
Think about the sounds your feet make as you walk.
Take big deep breaths of the fresh air.
Stop for a moment and notice how your body feels, is your heart beating a bit faster?
Look up at the sky and notice what you can hear.
What can you smell?
Find something to look at, a leaf or a plant and really look at it and notice everything about it.
How does your skin feel?
Carry on your mindful walk as you go back home.

Join Jamie from Cosmic Kids on her mindfulness walk around the countryside.