R.E. Inset Day

Frank Quinn – Principal Teacher R.E. Department

As part of the school’s plan in implementing “Shining the Light” and “This is Our Faith” (T.I.O.F.), it was decided that some time should be spent looking at part of the document “T.I.O.F.” by the whole staff during an Inset day.  The school believes the way forward with “T.I.O.F.” and the school’s Religious Education programme is to approach it as a whole-school responsibility, like Literacy, Numeracy and H&WB.  Each department should be aware where there are opportunities for them to contribute to the R.E. in the school.

The R.E. Dept had already approached each faculty to look at their S1-3 Course Outlines and to see where they covered any of the RERC E’s and O’s.  We had, also, held a meeting with a representative from each faculty to raise awareness about Faculty responses to “T.I.O.F.”.  Further awareness raising was necessary and so it was agreed to focus on one of the eight Strands of Faith from “T.I.O.F.” and to invite Barbara Campbell, R.E. Advisor to the Archdiocese of Glasgow and the Diocese of Motherwell, to lead the school in a CPD opportunity.

Barbara, to begin with, gave an overview of the rationale of the RERC E’s and O’s as well as an overview of “T.I.O.F.” itself.  The Reign of God was the Strand focused on during Barbara’s presentation.  Denise Fitzhenry then led a session on the Liturgical Calendar and its importance and centrality to school planning, including SIP, School Calendar, Course Outlines and Chaplaincy planning.  The afternoon session culminated in a Service of  Thanks, where every member of Staff was given the opportunity to participate and, hopefully, feel part of the religious life of the school.

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