Using CAT data effectively – Presentation

John Slavin Faculty Leader Raising Attainment

This was a brief introduction to how the CAT data that the school has for each pupil could be used to aid teaching and learning.

Initially, I explained that there are three batteries of tests: Verbal examples, Non-Verbal examples and Quantitative examples and briefly described examples of each. Pupil profiles are generated from this data and strengths / development needs can be identified.

Data for whole classes can be graphically represented in a Scatter graph to give a powerful visual interpretation of the results. The results can be analyzed with the help of the scatter diagram.

I have produced such scattergraphs for each class in S3/4 and will do likewise for S2 in time. If anyone is interested in looking at CAT data and how it can be used to highlight achievement / underachievement, Dr. Ben Doody and myself (John Slavin) are running a workshop on 07 September 2012. This will provide teachers with an opportunity to gain further experience of using this data and can hopefully aid the identification of the pupils’ needs.

S3 Profiling and the Profile – Presentation

Frances Laing (Senior Head of House)

The  S3 Profiling and the Profile Presentation aimed to engage staff in the profiling process.  It aspired to share the key messages contained in building the curriculum 5 a framework for assessment about the profile and the process involved in producing it.  There is a requirement for pupils at key transition times to create a profile and our present S3 cohort will be our first year group to experience Broad General Education and move into the Senior Phase of the new curriculum.

We in our classes should be aware that for our young people to create this profile they have to experience opportunities in their day to day learning that allows them to reflect and  realise their achievements.  This is part of learning and teaching and should be ongoing through S1 to S3.  Below is an example of what this profile may look like.  Further information from Education Scotland can be located here.

Example profile