BE Schoolwear SALE!

Wearing a clean set of uniform for each day of the week can help lower the risk of transferring COVID-19 from home to school. After this back to school period, a lot of parents are now needing extra uniform on previous years so they have enough for each school day.

We’re here to help.

From the 1st September, there will be up to 60% off everything* online and in store – including school embroidered uniform. The minimum saving will be 25% – so if parents need extra uniform, they can now get their school logo’d jumpers, poloshirts, blazers and much more for less.
Click here to find your school’s online shop

Parents can now order online with home delivery
within 7 days*
New orders for embroidered garments will now be dispatched within 3-5 working days. So if parents need to order more uniform, they can now do so with delivery within a week*.Find more info online here

FREE home delivery on orders over £45.00

*Sale does not include face masks, workwear or branded sportswear. Includes ties and school specific specially made items e.g. knitwear, ties and tartan kilts/skirts/pinafores only while stocks last.

**Orders being dispatched in 3-5 working days is depending on the supplier stock available. If stock is not available, we can offer a substitute or back order. Plain items will be shipped within 2-3 days, depending on supplier stock available. Once processed, orders are dispatched with DPD on a 24 hour service.

Copyright © 2020, Border Embroideries. All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Unit 1, Duns Road Industrial Estate, Greenlaw, Berwickshire, TD10 6XJ

Common Cold and COVID-19 Symptoms

Professor Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director

To Parents / Carers

31 August 2020
Common Cold and COVID-19 Symptoms
I understand these last few months have often been challenging, particularly for parents and carers. Now that schools and nurseries have returned I am writing to provide some advice where a child or young person in your care presents with symptoms of the common cold or similar bugs during this pandemic.
Following the return of schools after a prolonged break, it is common for colds and similar viral infections to circulate. In many cases, children will be well enough to attend school and continue their learning with little or no interruption to their education. In other cases, for instance where they have quite a heavy cold, they may need to take a day or two off to recover.
This is not the case for children and young people with potential COVID-19 symptoms, they are required to self-isolate and seek a test through or by calling 0800 028 2816.
In order to ensure your children do not miss out on their education, it is important to be clear about how COVID-19 symptoms differ from those of other infections that we normally see circulating at this time of year.
COVID-19 Symptoms
It is important that all of us – including those who make up the community around a school – are vigilant for the symptoms of COVID-19 and understand what actions we should take if someone develops them, either at school or at home.
The main symptoms to be aware of are:
 new continuous cough
 fever/high temperature
 loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste

Coronavirus – Jason Leitch Letter on testing and common colds – 31 August 2020

Your Space Scotland at St Joseph’s

Dear Parent/Carers,

I am writing to inform you that St Joseph’s Primary School work with a provision called Your Space to improve the confidence and well-being of children and young people.

Your Space at St Joseph’s will provide emotional and therapeutic support to pupils, families, and staff. The service offers pupils some space to express themselves through talking and creative work and to think about any worries that they may have.

Lunchtime Drop in

One of the most popular aspects on offer at St Joseph’s will be the lunchtime drop-in. Lunchtime drop-in is open to all pupils and allows them to make an appointment to spend 15 minutes with a member of Your Space, either by themselves or with a group of friends. Pupils often talk about friendships or any worries they may have.

 Parental Consent

Unless we hear otherwise from you, the school and Your Space will assume that pupils have their parent/carer’s permission to come along if they so choose. We also assume that you are happy for the school to share with Your Space, your child’s name, date of birth, gender and ethnicity for evaluation purposes, this information will be stored securely and anonymised.

Please contact Natalie Gibb from Your Space at St Joseph’s should you have any questions. Alternatively, if you do not want your child to participate in lunchtime drop-in, you may complete the return slip by Wednesday  2nd September

I do not want my child to participate in Your Space at St Joseph’s


Name of child______________________ Class_____________


Name of parent/carer__________________________________


Signature__________________________ Date_____________

If you have difficulty reading this or wish to print out the letter please download the document below.

Your Space at St Joseph’s2

Primary 3 Homework Week Beginning 17th August

P3 Homework August 17th


Homework does not need to be handed in on a Friday.

Please remember to fill out the form for Primary 3 to let us know what homework has been completed.



Miss Graham

Home Learning

Good Morning P4,

It was lovely to see you all again yesterday.

As we talked about yesterday, there are some tasks for you to do on Education City today.

I know you are all new to using TEAMS and if you can, please try and log onto teams with your GLOW email and password . I have added some additional tasks there for you to try if you get the chance but please don’t worry if you can’t!

Enjoy the sunshine and I will see you all tomorrow 🙂

Mrs Strain



Primary 3 2020 Home Learning August 13

Good Morning Primary 3!

I hope you are all well and that you enjoyed your first day yesterday! I had a lovely day and enjoyed meeting you all and learning a but about you! I can’t wait to start our learning in primary 3.

I have some tasks for you to complete today since we are not in school:

  • Plan a healthy meal: using the 5 food groups can you plan a healthy meal? draw the items on the plate and label them. Look at the boxes at the side – these are your food groups. Colour them the colour of the food on the plate. For example if you drew carrots – the fruit and vegetable box would be orange for the carrots.

Plan a Healthy meal


  • The 5 Senses: What can you hear/ see/ touch/ taste and smell around your house/ garden. Draw them in the boxes and write down what they are.

The 5 Senses

Balancing the Scales: what number do you need to balance the scales? For example 9 on one side and 5 on the other. The number to write next to 5 to balance the scales would be 4. There are 3 worksheets – numbers up to 20, 50 and 100. You can do as many as you like. Why not try and challenge yourself.

Balance the Scales


  • Summer Story: write about what you did during the summer holidays – play with friends/ family, watch a film/ tv show, visit family, learn a new skill.

My Summer Story


  • Character Profile: You can either make up a new character for a book or use a reading book at home. Draw your character, circle the words that describe them and write a little bit about them, describing them.

Character Profile

  • Be Kind to Yourself: It is important to look after yourself and to be kind to yourself as well as kind to others. Write down the different ways you can be kind to yourself.

Be Kind to Yourself


You do not need to print these out – you can complete them in any jotters/ notebooks/ paper you have at home.


Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!


Miss Graham

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